The ĢtvInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee occasionally issues "Memos to Investigators" as a means of keeping our IACUC-approved investigators up-to-date on IACUC developments and related news.

Each of these memos has been collected below.

IACUC Memo to Investigators - Mar 2020

In this “Memo to Investigators,” the Ģtv IACUC describes a new policy and procedure by which investigators may directly confer with the IACUC attending veterinarian.

IACUC Memo to Investigators - Jan 2020

The latest IACUC updates includes news of revised AVMA guidelines, and progress toward an all-electronic protocol submission stream.

IACUC Memo to Investigators - Nov 2016

This Memo describes several new updates and initiatives, including a husbandry SOP template and a post-approval monitoring process.

IACUC Memo to Investigators - July 2015

The Ģtv Senate recently approved a requirement that students involved in animal uses first complete online training.  In this Memo, the IACUC describes how students can meet their training requirement.

IACUC Memo to Investigators - July 2013

IACUC update for July 2013

IACUC Memo to Investigators - Jan 2013

IACUC update for January 2013

IACUC Memo to Investigators - Oct 2011

The Ģtv IACUC is happy to provide here another in our IACUC series of 'Memos to Investigators'.  We hope to use these memos to relay to investigators information which will aid them in complying with regulations concerning the use of animals in research here at Ģtv.

IACUC Memo to Investigators - Apr 2011

The Ģtv Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is pleased to offer a new FAQ for investigators, permit information for IACUC protocols, and information regarding the 2011 passed USDA inspection.