Informed Consent

This provides information which must be a part of all written informed consent documents.

Adverse Event Reporting 

Definitions, types of events, and how to make a report. 

Procedures and Criteria for Approval

Information is provided for initial and continuing approval and for proposed changes.

Review Process

The description of the IRB review process reflects the various ethical principles and regulatory requirements that each investigator should consider during the design phase of his or her project.


Details are provided for studies which may require only an initial review and are exempt from ongoing review.

Expedited Review

Categories of research which may qualify for expedited review are listed.

IRB Responsibilities

This summarizes the work of Ä¢¹½tv's Institutional Review Board.

IRB Membership

Appointments to the IRB shall be made by the president on recommendation from the assistant dean, School of Graduate Studies and Research.

Ä¢¹½tv Statement of Individual Research Ethics

The principles listed are intended to explicate the investigator's ethical responsibilities toward human subjects in research.

Statement of General Principles

Ä¢¹½tv's assurance of compliance with Department of Health and Human Services regulations for the Protection of Human Research Subjects

Definitions and Abbreviations

Definitions of commonly used terms in the IRB process are provided.

Model Protocols and Consent Forms

Sample protocols to be used as reference materials for investigators

Copyright Information

Links to copyright instructions and regulations

A web-based system designed specifically for the Institutional Review Board review process, all the way from submission to approval letters.