Undergraduates have the following options for finding funding for research and travel to present research:

Undergraduate Student Research Grant

The Undergraduate Student Research Grant competition is intended to encourage students to undertake research and creative projects that will contribute new insights in the student's chosen academic field. Funds requested must be related to the student's research or creative project. The student must be enrolled at Ä¢¹½tv during the period of the award. Two grant competitions are held annually, one in the fall and one in the spring. To submit a proposal for the Undergraduate Student Research Grant, visit the .

Undergraduate Student Funding to Present Papers

Ä¢¹½tv supports the research, scholarship, and creative works of currently enrolled undergraduate students. Travel funds are traditionally available to undergraduates who are presenting their peer-reviewed and competitively selected work at professional conferences. Eligible presentations include scholarly papers or original creative works, defined as fine arts or performing arts projects. To be eligible for reimbursement, expenses must be paid up front by the student and must be approved prior to the funded activity.

Students may submit an application for funding to present papers via .

Applications should be submitted to InfoReady four weeks prior to the presentation.

If awarded funding, please read and follow the guidelines outlined in the Instructions for Reimbursement for Travel to ensure proper reimbursement. The guidelines describe how students must submit a completed Travel Voucher and other materials to their department office. To see how to complete the voucher, see Travel Voucher Sample for Students. Please note: the travel reimbursement process should be followed for presentation funding, even when no travel takes place.

Undergraduate Student Professional Development

Undergraduate students can apply for up to $300 per year to support their participation in scholarly and creative activities that add to their professional development in a significant way. Funds for multiple applicants to participate in a shared activity will be divided among the qualified applicants.

The undergraduate student must provide a clear description of the proposed activity, explain how it adds to his or her scholarly development, and if other Ä¢¹½tv students are involved in the proposed activity, the applicant's unique role and unique benefit from participation must also be described. As part of the application, a faculty member must describe the importance of the activity as it relates to the student's scholarly goals and educational progress.

Examples of eligible activities include serving as a moderator, discussant, or proposer, organizer of a panel, roundtable, or focused session at a disciplinary conference; presenting research methodology for feedback at a roundtable discussion at a conference; or leadership activities related to professional disciplinary associations. Simply attending a conference, while a valuable learning experience, is not eligible for support. View the application and instructions in .

Undergraduate Student Publication Costs

Costs associated with the publication of articles in scholarly journals, which pay no royalty or fee to the author, will be funded up to a limit of $500. These costs include: article submission fees, reasonable photographic reproduction fees, and page charges. This policy does not extend to any writing for which the student receives compensation or to vanity press charges. View the application and instructions in.

Scholars Forum

The annual Scholars Forum provides undergraduate and graduate students with an opportunity for scholarly development by presenting their original research, scholarly activities, or creative endeavors. Forum participation is designed to foster scholarship and collegiality among undergraduate students and faculty members and to provide a forum for undergraduate students to discuss their academic work with a community of scholars. Visit the Scholars Forum website for more information.