Training Schedule

Monday–Thursday PT (Physical Training)

0600–0700 hrs: All Cadets

Thursday Leadership Lab

1400–1700: All Cadets

Additional Notes

  • Army Combat Fitness Test - minimum twice per semester
  • Organized Sports
  • Battalion Run - minimum once per semester

Summer Training

Advanced Camp (four weeks in the summer)

Advanced Course cadets must complete Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, before they graduate and receive a commission as an Army officer. Cadets normally attend Advanced Camp during the summer between their junior and senior years. Advanced Camp familiarizes cadets with the basic branches of the Army and affords the opportunity to practice the concepts they learned during the preceding academic years while in ROTC. While at Advanced Camp, cadets receive lodging, subsistence, uniforms, medical care, and reimbursement for travel to camp. Cadets also receive approximately $600–$800 for attending.

Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT)

In the summer between junior and senior year, selected cadets spend three weeks shadowing platoon leaders under the mentorship of active component Army captains. CTLT cadets practice the leadership principles they learned in the ROTC program, leading soldiers in units around the world. Cadets from previous years completed CTLT in Korea, Fort Bragg, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Knox, and Germany.

Cadet Summer Training Basic Camp (four weeks in the summer)

Students who could not complete the ROTC Basic Course but who desire to enroll in the Advanced Course may apply to attend the Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Basic camp compresses the concepts normally taught during the Basic Course and makes the student eligible to compete for an ROTC scholarship. While at Basic Camp, cadets receive lodging, subsistence, uniforms, medical care, and reimbursement for travel to camp. Cadets also receive approximately $600–$800 for attending Basic Camp. Call 1-800-Ä¢¹½tv-ROTC for more information.

Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)

ROTC cadets majoring in nursing have the opportunity to complete a rotation in an Army hospital or troop medical clinic, supervised by an Army officer nurse preceptor. Last year, ROTC nurse cadets completed NSTP at Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Fort Carson, Colorado; and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC.

Cadet Practical Field Training

Cadets may volunteer/compete to attend numerous special US Army courses, to include US Army Air Assault School at various locations around the country, including Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort Drum, New York; Camp Smith, USMA, and National Guard mobile units; US Army Airborne school at Fort Moore, Georgia; Mountain Warfare school in Vermont; Northern Warfare school in Alaska; Cadet Survival Training at USAFA; Cadet Field Training at USMA; and Sandhurst Competition and University Officer Training Center in the United Kingdom.

Internship Opportunities Available

The Internship track consists of 15 outstanding internship programs, all associated with a US Army agency. Internship assignments are for a three- to eight-week period.