The Frederick Douglass Institute (FDI) at Ä¢¹½tv

Stright Hall, Room 108
210 South Tenth Street
Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: 724-357-3299
Email: (Dr. Veronica Watson, Director)
Website: Douglass Institute

Services and Description

  • The Frederick Douglass Institute at Ä¢¹½tv is an interdisciplinary, campuswide body that serves as a resource for information about advocacy on issues relating to cultural diversity at Ä¢¹½tv. The institute will work to honor and deepen the intellectual heritage of Frederick Douglass, the former slave, distinguished orator, journalist, author, and statesman, who visited Indiana, Pennsylvania, in 1872 to give a public lecture.
  • At Ä¢¹½tv, the Douglass Institute is primarily involved in three areas:
    1. Acting as an advisory body for issues of importance to historically underrepresented groups in higher education, particularly as they affect faculty
    2. The recruitment and retention of minority women and faculty
    3. The celebration and support of academic excellence in minority students

Indiana Care Campaign to End Homophobia (ICC)

Website: Indiana Cares Campaign (Indiana, PA)

Services and Description

  • This is a local community organization that leads workshops, sponsors Indiana's LGBT Film Festival, and advocates for LGBT issues in the region. ICC works with local and campus organization to coordinate efforts to create a gay-positive community. ICC is an alliance of LGBT/Queer and straight members of all ages and backgrounds who are committed to ending oppression and to building a LGBT-affirming community.

Student LIfe

Elkin Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
Website: Student Life

Services and Description

  • Student Life provides inclusive student services and programs and maximizes potential collaboration between diverse student populations and recognized student organizations. The nature of the center encourages programming that is wide-ranging, capitalizes on shared resources for the benefit of serving all students, encourages mindful collaboration of the importance of inclusion in multicultural programs, and allows more purposeful planning of events through a unified calendar.

Ä¢¹½tv Commission for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Issues

Contact: Tedd Cogar, Ä¢¹½tv LGBTQIA Advocacy
Phone: (724) 357-1264
Website: GLBT Commission

Services and Description

  • The Commission for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues serves as an advisory group to the Office of Social Equity and the president. The purpose of the commission is to improve the climate for diversity within Ä¢¹½tv and specifically to address issues affecting the welfare of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender members of the university community

Ä¢¹½tv Disability Support Services

Pratt Hall, Room 216
201 Pratt Drive
Indiana, PA 15705
Tel: 724-357-4067 (Voice and TTY)
Fax: 724-357-2889
Website: Disability Support

Services and Description

  • Disability Support Services, housed within the Department of Disability Access and Advising at Ä¢¹½tv, provides accommodations and services to ensure equal access to education as intended by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act for Students with disabilities, including but not limited to learning, physical, hearing, vision, or psychological disabilities.

Services Include

  • Advocacy for equal access for persons with disabilities
  • Weekly time management and study skills for students with disabilities
  • Test proctoring and reading/scribing
  • Note takers
  • NCR paper for note taking
  • Recorded textbooks
  • Equipment Loans: tape recorders/players, talking calculator, magnifying sheets, Franklin spellers, etc.
  • Access to assistive technology (housed within Department of Disability Access and Advising and/or various computer labs on campus):
  • CCTV, Kurzweil scanned text to voice software, Magic screen enlarging software, Dragon Naturally Speaking voice to text software, etc.
  • TTY access
  • Limited Brailing of textbooks and other sighted of material
  • Liaison with faculty, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), and Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services (BBVS), etc.
  • Early registration for students who need taped textbooks, special schedules, note takers, interpreters, or relocation of classrooms
  • General advising and counseling
  • Help in locating accessible housing
  • Library of information on disabilities and disability issues
  • Faculty and/or student workshops on disability issues within post-secondary education
  • Assistance to faculty providing accommodations

Ä¢¹½tv Office of International Education

Suite B-25
Susan Snell Delaney Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: 724-357-2295
Fax: 724-357-2514
Website: International Education

Services and Description

  • Ä¢¹½tv's Office of International Education serves as an umbrella for the university's many international initiatives, programs and events.

Ä¢¹½tv Office of Social Equity and Title IX

920 Grant Street
Suite B-17
Susan Snell Delaney Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: 724-357-3402
Fax: 724-357-3404
Website: Social Equity

Services and Description

  • The office works to assist in the creation of a campus environment that promotes diversity and values individual differences. The office is committed to assist members of the campus community to resolve concerns and complaints pertaining to employees in regard to harassment and discrimination and to accommodate employees with disabilities. We believe that diversity enriches the campus community and we strive to understand, accept and value differences respectfully.

Ä¢¹½tv Safe Zone

Suites on Maple East, G-31
901 Maple Street
Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: 724-357-2621
Email Rita Drapkin, Director:
Website: Safe Zone

Services and Descriptions

  • Cosponsored by the University Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Issues and the Office of Social Equity, the Safe Zone program is designed to improve visibility and support to GLBT students and employees. While other minority individuals can often identify role models and mentors, the invisibility of sexual orientation makes it very difficult for GLBT members of the Ä¢¹½tv community to ascertain where they can safely turn for support and information.
  • The Safe Zone program provides easily recognizable individuals who are available to provide these resources. The Safe Zone symbol is a message to GLBT students and colleagues that an employee has participated in the Safe Zone training and is committed to increasing their knowledge of and sensitivity to GLBT issues. The symbol allows the campus community to identify program members and know that they can speak freely with these individuals about issues, including sexual orientation and gender identity, which may affect their academic success or job satisfaction.
  • Safe Zone members are able to provide assistance, as needed, including referrals. Since the Safe Zone program also strives to improve the campus climate for GLBT individuals, the symbol also means that Safe Zone members will challenge homophobic and heterosexist comments or behaviors in an educational and informative manner.

Ä¢¹½tv Women's and Gender Studies

Stabley Library, Room 103
429 South 11th Street
Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: 724-357-4753
Fax: 724-357-2281
Website: Women's and Gender Studies

Services and Description

  • The Women's and Gender Studies Program at Ä¢¹½tv is committed to the preservation, expansion, and transmission of knowledge about women and gender. The program is committed to offering quality undergraduate courses, to offering a minor course of study, and to working towards gender balance in Liberal Studies and across the curriculum.

Latino Student Organization (LASO)


Services and Description

  • The Latino Student Organization promotes the Spanish-speaking world on the Ä¢¹½tv campus as well as in the Indiana County Community by sponsoring or participating in various activities throughout the semester. Some of these activities may include but are not limited to Fiesta Latina, an annual gathering held in the spring that is open to the public; Hispanic Films; and biweekly meetings.
  • LASO invites students of every heritage, religion, and language to participate in our organization and our programs. Our meetings are run in English, and Spanish is spoken if a translation is needed.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Indiana County:
2549 Oakland Ave.
Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-463-0631

Ä¢¹½tv Chapter:
Hadley Union Building #221
Phone: 724-357-2727
National Website:

Services and Description

  • To improve the political, educational, social, and economic status of minority groups: to eliminate racial prejudice; to keep the public aware of the adverse affects of racial discrimination; and to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent with the efforts of the national organization.

Native American Awareness Council

Contact: Abigail Adams — Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Department
Phone: 724-357-3935
Website: Native American Awareness Council

Services and Description

  • The Native American Awareness Council was created to inform the university and the wider Indiana community about historical and contemporary issues in Native America. As part of our mandate, we will sponsor events, speakers, films, exhibits, and other educational events in an effort to separate stereotypes from realities of indigenous Americans. The council will pay special attention to the past and present history of native peoples in Pennsylvania and the Eastern Woodlands.


PFLAG of Indiana (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

P.O. Box 272
Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-357-8309

Services and Description

  • PFLAG is a national nonprofit organization with over 200,000 members. PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons, their families, and friends through support and advocacy.

President's Commission on the Status of Women at Ä¢¹½tv

Contact: Melissa Swauger, Chairperson
Phone: 724-357-0158
Website: Women's Commission

Services and Description

  • The President's Commission on the Status of Women at Ä¢¹½tv is a part of a larger network of such commissions at all fourteen member universities of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. All are charged with examining the status of women at the individual universities, identifying areas that need improvement, recommending solutions for problems, promoting networking, and encouraging leadership among women students.
  • Through that effort, we are providing you with this directory of resources (organized by category) that may raise your awareness of the many opportunities and services available to women are Ä¢¹½tv and in the local community.

Pride Alliance

Contact: Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement
Website: PRIDE

Services and Description

  • Pride is a student group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and allied issues. Their goal is to provide a safe place for Ä¢¹½tv students to discuss queer issues and issues of sexuality. They are involved in social, educational, and activist activities.

The Tolerance Project
