Ä¢¹½tv Office of Human Resources
Sutton Hall, G8
1011 South Drive
Indiana, PA 15705
Tel: 724-357-2431
Fax: 724-357-2685
Website: Human Resources
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20415
General Inquiries: 202-606-1800
TTY: 202-606-2582
E-mail: General@opm.gov
Services and Descriptions
- It is OPM's job to build a high-quality and diverse federal workforce based on merit system principles. The site gives information on all aspects of federal job opportunities (including a listing of current job openings), employment, and benefits.
PA CareerLink, Indiana County
Part of Team PA CareerLink
300 Indian Springs Road
Indiana, PA 15701
Tel: 724-471-7220
TTY: 724-471-7221
Fax: 724-471-7225
Services and Description
- Pennsylvania CareerLink is a cooperative effort to provide one-stop delivery of career services to job seekers, employers, and other interested individuals. These services are also available in your local Pennsylvania CareerLink office or participating agency.
- To function as a self-directed Job Search System providing quality customer service to the people of Pennsylvania enabling all customers to make informed choices.
Our Goal
- To provide a self-service system in which interested individuals have access to employment, education, and training resources.
Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission
Services and Descriptions
- Offers information on job opportunities and how to apply on line for jobs within the Pennsylvania State Civil Service
- Information on computerized testing
- Provides other job links, including County Children and Youth Services Jobs, Non-Civil Service, State System of Higher Education, PA State Police, Team PA Career Link, and Nursing Careers