Ä¢¹½tv Students Perform Acts of Community Service

Community service can bring a personal reward to each member of the fraternity/sorority community. Fraternities and sororities have multiple fundraiser and philanthropic events each year. Every year the fraternity/sorority community grants the wish of a terminally ill child of western Pennsylvania for Make-A-Wish.

Each fraternity or sorority participates and contributes to philanthropy. There are many different philanthropies on campus. A few examples of them are the Special Olympics, American Cancer Society, United Way, American Red Cross, Autism Speaks, ICCAP, March of Dimes, Adopt-a-Highway, Women's Wellness, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Camp Orenda, and Chevy Chase Community Center.

Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association, and the United Greek Council also sponsor events like Movember and Rock the Grove to raise money for male cancer initiatives and the Alice Paul House. All chapters support the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign.

For more information about community service in this area, contact at the Office of Service Learning.