Using Tablet Technology for Teaching and Learning at Ģtv
Awarded to: Shijuan Liu, David Loomis, Crystal Machado, Robert Sweeny
“The mini-grant greatly supported this interdisciplinary Teaching Circle for their continuing effort in exploration of the use of tablet technology in teaching and learning at Ģtv. It not only helped the Circle members to teach innovatively with the new technology in their disciplines, but also further strengthened connection and collaboration among the members, who were from four different Departments and three Colleges at Ģtv.”
Bamboo Productivity
Awarded to: John Chrispell, Francisco Alarcon, Tim Flowers, Charles Lamb, Dan Radelet, Brian Sharp
“The primary goal of our teaching circle is to look at different emerging technologies, and determine the potential for their use in teaching mathematics. This mini-grant allowed us to examine Walcom Bamboo tablets as an instrument for interactive classroom instruction. The tablet works as a wireless input with stylus, allowing for instruction to take place beyond the front of a classroom. The device allows for both hand gestures and handwriting to be used when interacting with and annotating electronic documents and presentations from any point in the classroom.”
Mindful Practices for the College Classroom: Search Inside Yourself Book Discussion Group Project
Awarded to: Jan Baker, Tina Perdue, Chauna Craig, Caleb Finegan, Linda Jennings, Shari Robertson, Lisa Hammett Price,Bruce Novak, Dana Poole, Curtis Porter, Daniel Weinstein, Theresa McDevitt
“The Mindfulness Teaching Circle discussions focused upon how mindfulness practices can be successfully used in college teaching in a variety of disciplines. This grant enabled the group to purchase a common reader, Search Inside Yourself, to help fuel discussions on how the practices can be included in the classroom. Books were purchased and read; and, face-to-face discussions were held. In addition, an electronic discussion list was created in the spring semester which successfully facilitated participation in the discussion through email.”
Software Purchase for Lecture Capture to Support Flipped Classrooms in General Chemistry
Awarded to: Wendy Elcesser, Anne Kondo, Colin Ashe, Lourdes Herold, Nate McElroy, Ronald See, Philip Palko
“Adobe Captivate was purchased to create original videos. Our Departmental Teaching Circle also sought out excellent existing videos. Our related presentation, ‘Crash landing the flipped classroom: When flipping falters,' has been accepted for the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education for August 2014.”
Time Management Toolsfor Teachers
Awarded to: Gian Pagnucci, Tanya Heflin, Todd Thompson, Dan Weinstein
“Our Teaching and Time Management Circle purchased books about time management strategies, software for task management and writing activities, and digital pens for on the go writing task management. The books have helped us refine strategies for juggling the multiple responsibilities professors have. The software has helped us to better track our responsibilities, writing projects, and tasks. Although it is easy to begin a time management strategy but then fall away from using it, the group members help keep each other excited about trying to better manage our time so we can grow as teachers and scholars.”
Technology Exploration: Using iPads with Library Resources and Beyond
Awarded to: Joann Janosko, Theresa McDevitt,Sandy Janicki, Blaine Knupp, Carl Rahkonen, Karen Brown, Jin Pang, Chris Clouser, Harrison Wick, Carol Connell, Susan Drummond
“DisplayNote is a software that enables collaboration with mobile technologies, like the iPAD. It enables mirroring what is on your PC to up to 20 iPads in real time. As Presenter, DisplayNote lets you wirelessly control your PC, open any resource, annotate over it and save everything on the device. As a participant, you can capture the presenter's content, personalize it by adding your own notes and save both content and notes together to review later. Participants can export individual slides or entire presentations via email or send them directly to Dropbox. DisplayNote lets participants collaborate in real time on a presentation.”