Anti-Racist Theatre Training

Rachel DeSoto-Jackson, Carrie J. Cole, Michael Schwartz, Rick Kemp, Brian Jones, Nancy Pipkin-Hutchinson, Joan Van Dyke

The Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance has made a commitment to anti-racist practices within our teaching and artistic work. The departmental Teaching Circle focuses specifically on the teaching application of our guiding actions. This mini-grant will allow faculty members to complete training within our field on the application of these methods through the A.R.T. workshop. Nicole Brewer, creator of Conscientious Theatre Training and originator of the Anti-Racist Theatre (A.R.T.) movement teaches her unique approach blending anti-racist theory, social justice, collectivism, healing justice and theatre exercises for an embodied understanding of racism and individual agency to become anti-racist.

Fostering Faculty and Student Wellness through a Faculty Wellness Teaching Circle

Stephanie Taylor-Davis, Lorraine Guth, Dana Driscoll, Veronica Paz, Amber Rachini, Mimi Benjamin, Theresa McDevitt

Personal wellness, recognizing and practicing the importance of effective self-care, and the ability to model balance and productive self-care practices for students are essential for college faculty personally, and as instructors, if faculty and students are both to thrive. The goal of this project is to explore techniques and practices to help faculty stay emotionally and physically healthy to support their work as productive faculty and their ability to serve as models of balance and well-being for their students. Funding will purchase a copy of two common readers for members of the teaching circle to review.

Electronic Book Resources for Online Teaching and Learning

Oksana Moroz, Nada Tayem, Lynanne Black, Stephanie Taylor Davis, Begona Vilouta Vazquez, Parimal Bhagat, Crystal Machado, Ting Lu, Jun Akiyoshi, Jacqueline McGinty

This proposal is to request funds for electronic book access for our entire institution for the following titles to help faculty development in this teaching circle and beyond for online teaching tools.

Electronic Books via the Library

Jacqueline McGinty, Crystal Machado, Parimal Bhagat, John Mueller, Theresa McDevitt, Aleea Perry, Stephanie Taylor Davis, Terilyn Huntington, Lynanne Black, Wendy Sheeran, Oksana Moroz

To help our teaching circle in Writing, I am requesting institutional access to the Handbook of Scholarly Publishing and Writing via the Library. This is to help guide our writing with unlimited access to the book

Clinical Judgment Student Mentor Project

Janis Barner, Benjamin Martin, Taylor Edwards, Elizabeth Palmer, Elaine Little

The Improving Nursing Clinical Judgment Teaching Circle goals include implementing improvement measures, discussing challenges, identifying teaching-learning activities, and conducting research related to NCJ. NCJ involves high-level thinking to provide the best possible patient outcomes. Previously, this teaching circle has focused on faculty development efforts for nursing faculty. This mini grant proposal focuses on collaboration with the members of the teaching circle and 1-2 student applicants who will serve as a NCJ supplemental session leaders for junior and senior level nursing students. The NCJ sessions will provide nursing students with an opportunity to build on this key concept needed for practice.

Preparing For Our Future

Jennifer Smith; Melanie Duncan; Rachel Fox; Stephanie Davis; Aleea Perry

This Teaching Circle mini-grant is geared towards unpromoted and untenured female faculty members as they navigate from assistant to associate professors and beyond, by using three books designed to inform, garner discussion, and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to excel as an associate professor and ultimately achieve full professor status.

Expanding Social Practice Discourse at Ä¢¹½tv

Sean Derry

We are requesting $500 in Mini-Grant funding to pay a speaker honorarium that will allow Monument Lab to present their scholarship to our teaching circle. This is an important next step in supporting the efforts of my colleagues and I as we work to expose Ä¢¹½tv students to new trends in the field of social practice and integrate our findings into new curriculum and extracurricular learning opportunities for undergraduate studio art majors.

Leaders Exploring Leadership Texts

Members: Susan Sibert, Kelli Paquette, DeAnna Laverick, Sue Rieg and we expect 3 more colleagues

The pandemic of 2020 is flowing into 2021 and faculty members in our department quickly took the lead to offer more of our courses online. As teacher leaders, we want to further our skills and approached using technology through a study of leadership texts that can potentially be used in two our leadership programs. Through the study of two leadership contemporary books and development of online activities, we can work together to strengthen our understanding of leadership success as well as teaching with technology. We plan to write about our work and submit for publication.