Virginia Guardsman Sgt. Gary Melton says goodbye to his daughter, Elaina, before deployment. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew H. Owen, Virginia Guard Public Affairs,

Students who are called to active duty and who submit a copy of their call to active duty papers will be eligible to receive a 100-percent refund of tuition and fees and a proration of housing and dining charges as per the services used.

As with other refunds, monies will be returned to appropriate parties in accordance with federal and state guidelines.

For a full description of the Ä¢¹½tv policy for students called to active military duty, please refer to the Ä¢¹½tv Active Duty Policies page. The information listed below is designed to assist you with detailed information that should prove to be helpful as you leave the university for your pending deployment.

Contact Ä¢¹½tv's Department for Disability Access and Advising, Stouffer Hall, Room 246, 724-357-4067.

The following options will be available to you:

Option 1: Total Withdrawal from All Current Semester Courses

You may choose to do a total semester withdrawal from all classes and receive a full refund for tuition and fees; any university room and dining hall contract fees would be refunded on a prorated basis for the actual services that you have received up to the date of the withdrawal. This option requires that you withdraw from every course and receive no grade for any course taken that semester.

Option 2: Discuss Grades with Your Professors

If a substantial part of the semester has been completed by the time you are called for active military duty, you may meet with each instructor to determine an appropriate grade. Since assignment of grades is the responsibility of the instructor, he/she may assign whatever grade is appropriate. If the appropriate grade is an “Incomplete,” Ä¢¹½tv will extend the deadline by which the incomplete must be removed from your academic transcript to 180 days from the time you return from active duty. Any university room and dining hall contract fees would be refunded on a prorated basis for the actual services you have received up to the date of leaving the university for active duty.

Lance Cpl. Godwin Olivier with Son Jin, a child of the Ja Won Social Welfare Corporation, during a community relations project in Korea. (Photo by UNC CFC USFK,

Once you have made your decision, remember to do the following:

  • Notify your academic advisor to review your decision regarding total withdrawal or acceptance of grades.
  • If you have received financial aid, contact Ä¢¹½tv's Financial Aid Office, Clark Hall, Room 201, 724-357-2218.
  • If you are receiving veterans' benefits, contact the Veterans Affairs Office, Pratt Hall, Room 104, 724-357-3009.
  • If you currently have student loans, contact your lender for information regarding being on active duty.
  • Contact the Ä¢¹½tv Registrar's Office, 301 Clark Hall, to notify them of your leaving and to receive preliminary information for readmission - (724) 357-2217.
  • Take care of any “holds” on your Ä¢¹½tv account shown on MyÄ¢¹½tv.
  • Consider selling any unneeded textbooks.
  • Check with Ä¢¹½tv Libraries to determine if you have any library books to return.
  • If living on campus, contact the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining, Ruddock Hall, Room G37, 724-357-2696.
  • If living off campus, contact your landlord to discuss provisions of your lease agreement.
  • Contact your utility providers to stop service.
  • Visit to forward mail to an appropriate location.
  • If you need support or counseling, several university resources, including the following, are available:
  • Contact your cell phone provider.

Guide for Students Who Wish to be Readmitted at Ä¢¹½tv after Active Duty Service

Following is a guide of steps you should take when re-enrolling at Ä¢¹½tv after active duty service:

Seabees begin their journey from Afghanistan to homeport in California. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Michael B. Watkins/Released,

  • Apply for readmission with the Ä¢¹½tv Registrar's Office, Clark Hall, Room 301, 724-357-2217, or apply for readmission using MyÄ¢¹½tv. (You will receive instructions for semester course scheduling.)
  • Request Military and College Transcripts from the .
  • If you will be seeking to receive Ä¢¹½tv credit for military courses or military experience taken during your deployment, gather the information and have it ready to submit to your college dean's office.
  • Contact your academic advisor to discuss your plans for course scheduling.
  • If you have any “Incomplete” grades on your academic transcript, discuss plans for completing the incomplete course(s). You will need to contact the instructor of the course(s) to make these arrangements.
  • Contact the Financial Aid Office, Clark Hall, Room 201, to find out more about G.I. Bill Benefits, 724-357-2218.
  • Make contact with Indiana County's Veterans Service Office, 825 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, PA 15701, 724-465-3815.
  • If you wish to live on campus, contact the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining, Ruddock Hall, Room G37, 724-357-2696. This office also provides information to students in search of off-campus housing.
  • Obtain a new student identification card (if needed). The Ä¢¹½tv I-Card Office is located in the Ä¢¹½tv Hadley Union Building (HUB), 724-357-1314.
  • Update the Personal Info section of MyÄ¢¹½tv to include address, phone number, etc. Also, update your veteran's information.
  • Apply for a new parking pass with the university in MyÄ¢¹½tv.