Andrew Yim, second-year Composition and Applied Linguistics PhD student and assistant director of the Jones White Writing Center, has been selected as the Peer Choice winner in the 2022 Three-Minute Thesis competition. 

The 3MT competition is an event for graduate-level students to present their original research to a panel of judges. Participants are permitted one static slide as a visual aid and three minutes to share their scholarly findings with the panel. The 3MT competition is part of Ä¢¹½tv's annual Scholars Forum event that is held during Research Appreciation Week

Yim's presentation, "How Multilingual and Second Language (L2) Students' Self-Sponsored and Everyday Writing Practices Affect Their Writing Development Inside and Outside a First-Year Writing Classroom," explores how L2 students' writing practices outside of an academic classroom affect their writing abilities inside and independent of a classroom setting. He spoke about the necessity to conduct such a study and possible methodology when collecting this data. Yim aspires to successfully defend his dissertation in the summer of 2024.