Professor, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Teacher Education, First-Year Writing, Researched Writing, Rhetorical Genre Studies
506-X Leonard Hall
Professor of English
Director of Bachelor of Science in English Education
506-QQ Leonard Hall
Professor, Teacher Identity, Teacher Narratives, Critical Pedagogy, TESOL Teacher Education, NNEST Identity, Qualitative Research
Director of Graduate Studies in Composition and Applied Linguistics; Graduate Certificate in TESOL
506-S Leonard Hall
Director, Kathleen Jones White Writing Center and Coordinator, BA English Programs
Research Interests: Composition, Online Writing Pedagogy, Contemplative Writing Pedagogy, Creativity
506-T Leonard Hall
724-864-8528 (cell)
Professor, Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Writing Centers, Research Methods
Director of Ä¢¹½tv Writing Center
203-B Stabley Library (inside the Jones White Writing Center)
Professor, Poetry, Global Literature, Literary History and Theory, Jewish Literature and Theory, Travel Writing, Composition Theory, Bible and Literature, Short Story
Director, Literature and Criticism Doctoral Program
506-EE Leonard Hall