Professor of English
Office: Jane Leonard Hall 506Z
PhD in English (Literature), University of Southern California, 2009.
Dissertation: Those Secret Exhibitionists: Women’s Diary at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
MA in English (Literature), Arizona State University, 1999.
Dual-BAs in Psychology and English, Arizona State University, 1991.
Ä¢¹½tv Positions Held
Professor of English (current)
Doctoral Program in Literature and Criticism
Dean’s Associate, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016–19
Assistant Chair, Department of English, 2014–16
Research and Creative Interests
Women’s literature; feminist, queer, and gender theories; life-writing and archival research; narrative psychology; photography and visual culture; indigenous literature; fairy tale and fantastic literature; nineteenth–twenty-first century US literature.
Ä¢¹½tv Courses Taught
ENGL 983: Seminar in American Literature: New Historicism & the Archive in the Progressive Era
ENGL 983: Seminar in American Literature: ‘Song of Myself’: The Autobiographical Impulse
ENGL 983: Seminar in American Literature: Activism in the Americas, 1848 to the Present
ENGL 983: Seminar in American Literature: Hidden Voices: Suppressed and Recovered Texts
ENGL 956: Literary Theory for the Teacher and Scholarly Writer
ENGL 873/773: Topics in American/British Minority Literature: Indigenous Literatures
ENGL 872/772: Topics in Women's Literature: Feminist Speculative Futures
ENGL 872/772: Topics in Women's Literature: The Political and the Unconscious
ENGL 872/772: Topics in Women's Literature: Mystery and Manners: Fairy Tale, and the Uncanny
ENGL 871/771: Topics in Postmodern Literature: PoMo Puzzles: Short Fiction & Multimedia
ENGL 871/771: Topics in Postmodern Literature: Fake News & Metafiction
ENGL 871/771: Topics in Postmodern Literature: Alternate Postmodern: Paradox & Pastiche
ENGL 860/760: Teaching College Literature
ENGL 853/753: Literature as a Profession
ENGL 344: Ethnic American Literature: Indigenous Nations of North America
ENGL 340: The Novel: Banned Books and Dangerous Fictions
ENGL 225: Introduction to Women’s Literature
ENGL 202: Composition II: Research Writing
ENGL 121: Humanities Literature: Initiations & Transitions
ENGL 103: Accelerated Writing and Composition
ENGL 101: Composition I
ENGL 100: Basic Writing
WGS 200: Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies: The Personal is Political
Selected Scholarship
Women’s Manuscript Literatures Panel. Northeast Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, PA, March 2025.
“Mystery Magic, and Enchantment: The Uses of Fairy Tale in Teaching Women’s Literature.” Fairy Tales in the College Classroom, edited by Heather Powers. McFarland & Company, 2024.
“Hidden Voices, Social Reform, and Resilience in Ten Days in a Madhouse by Nellie Bly.” Panel: Voices from the Asylum. Northeast Modern Language Association. Niagara Falls, NY, March 2023.
“Banned Books and Dangerous Fictions: Co-Creating an Annual Banned Books Read Out.” Book Chapter in Library Service and Learning: Empowering Students, Inspiring Social Responsibility, and Building Community Connections. Edited by Theresa McDevitt and Caleb P. Finegan. Association of College and Research Libraries Press, 2018.
“‘Some Job!’: The Private Diary of World War II Combat Nurse Beulah Johns.” Special Issue: “Documents in Women’s History.” Women’s History Vol 2, Issue 8, Summer 2017.
“Photos from Hollandia N.G. 1944”: World War II Combat Nurse Beulah Johns’s ‘Everyday’ Scrapbook Testimony of War and Recovery.” Refereed. Abstract from Plenary 4 for “Lives Outside the Line: A Symposium in Honour of Marlene Kadar.” York University Institutional Repository. 15 May 2017.
“Minds in the Gutter: Psychological Self-Exposure in Graphic Memoir.” Special Issue: “The Comic Studies Multiverse: Graphic Transformations in Education and Culture.” Works and Days Vol 32 (Spring 2015). 277-296.