The Ä¢¹½tv Department of Music is excited to host the Crimson Hawk Band Summit for seventh- to ninth-grade musicians on November 10, 2022.


  • Rehearsal from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Concert at 7:00 p.m. Jonathan Helmick, director of bands at Slippery Rock University, and Fred David Romines, director of bands at Marywood University, conductors.
  • No auditions! All repertoire will be distributed to the directors after the registration due date of September 30, 2022.
  • $30 registration fee – includes a T-shirt, lunch at the Ä¢¹½tv North Dining Hall, a pizza party for students and directors, and a downloadable recording of the concert.
  • Concert Dress: Band Summit T-shirt, dark pants that are a solid color (jeans, khakis, etc. are okay), and comfortable shoes (including tennis shoes). 
  • Performances for the directors and students by Ä¢¹½tv music faculty and student ensembles.
  • ACT 48 hours will be available. 

Schedule of Events

All events will take place in Fisher Auditorium: specific locations to be announced.

Time Faculty Schedule Student Schedule
8:00–9:00 a.m. Registration Registration
9:30–10:30 a.m. Clinic Rehearsal
10:30–10:45 a.m. Break
10:45–11:30 a.m. Observe Rehearsal
11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Lunch Lunch
12:45–1:45 p.m. Clinic Rehearsal
1:45–2:30 p.m. Observe Rehearsal
2:30–3:30 p.m. Ä¢¹½tv Faculty and Student Recital
3:30–5:00 p.m. Observe Rehearsal Rehearsal
4:45–6:15 p.m. Dinner - Pizza Party for Directors and Students
6:15–6:45 p.m. Change for Concert
6:45 p.m. Tuning (director assistance appreciated!)
7:00 p.m. Concert


Please note that the due date for all registration forms is September 30, 2022. This date is very important so that we can accommodate all students who are interested in participating in the ensemble. If students from a school district wish to attend this event without their band director present, we will need written confirmation that another band director will be responsible for these students. This can take the form of a letter or email sent to the director of this event, Professor Worzbyt (

As you are completing the registration forms, please indicate the specific part (e.g., Trumpet II, Clarinet III) that you feel your student would have the most success on.

For percussionists – PLEASE indicate their strengths on specific instruments. I will ensure that every student will play every work on the program, but I need your assistance to make sure they feel comfortable and successful on the assignments I provide for them.


Parking for buses will be available at the . Please feel free to drop students off at Cogswell Hall, which is a very short walk to Fisher Auditorium. Parking passes for buses will be sent to you once your registration forms are received. If you are bringing a personal vehicle or school van, you will be sent a parking pass once your registration forms have been received. With this parking pass, you may park in any lot or in the Parking Garage, provided you do not park in a space that is marked “Reserved” or has a “Reserved 24/7” placard. In order to avoid getting a parking ticket in the Parking Garage, park on the fourth floor, which has virtually no reserved spots.

The closest lots to Fisher Auditorium are numbers 19 (parking garage), 11, 49, and 2. Additional parking that is closer to Fisher is also available in lots 39 and 38. Other lots are available as well—please consult the Ä¢¹½tv Campus Parking Map.

Parking information for the evening concert is printed in the Student and Parent Information Letter.

Admission Fee for Concert

$5 for adults / $3 for students and senior citizens.


A downloadable recording of the concert is included in your registration fee. All students will receive a document that has a QR code as well as a website address that will take them to a web page. This page will allow them to download either the entire concert or individual pieces.


Lunch, dinner, and snacks are included in the registration fee.

Instrument Repair

A repair technician will be available for instrument repairs throughout the day.


A nurse will be on duty throughout the day.

Guest Clinician: David Romines

David RominesFred David Romines, DMA is director of bands and departmental cochair for the Music, Theatre, and Dance Department at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His responsibilities include overseeing departmental operations and serving as artistic director for the Marywood University Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony. Additional academic assignments include undergraduate conducting courses, instrumental methods, and student-teacher supervision.

Romines has directed innumerable musical ensembles during his 38-year professional career. Included are bands from public and private schools, community groups, collegiate entities, and military and professional organizations. Under Romines’ leadership, the University of Georgia Redcoat Band toured the People’s Republic of China, where they introduced the American style of marching band by presenting marching exhibitions in five Chinese cities. These events marked the first stadium performances by an American collegiate marching band in China and, at the time, was the country’s largest foreign musical tour. The band received favorable reviews throughout the country and performed for over 200,000 people.

Romines has guest conducted throughout the United States (34 states) and in Canada, Italy, South Korea, and China. He has served as guest artist in residence at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Chengdu, China, Yunnan Arts University in Kunming, China, and Sang Myung University in Seoul, Korea. The University of Georgia Wind Ensemble under Romines' direction performed at the joint conference of the College Band Directors National Association - Southern Division and the National Band Association at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

In spring 2015, Romines founded the Northeastern Youth Wind Ensemble in collaboration with American Youth Ensembles. This exclusive ensemble is designed as an enrichment outlet for accomplished high school musicians from throughout the region. The band started with 45 members—by spring 2018 the band had 103 members on the roster.

Romines taught instrumental music in the public schools of East Tennessee for 16 years (Rutledge and Bristol), where he was recognized multiple times by the Tennessee Governors School for the Performing Arts for outstanding mentoring and teaching. In addition, Romines has twice received the National Band Association's Citation of Excellence for his contributions to the wind band profession.

Currently, Romines serves as educational advisor and board member for the US-China Cultural and Educational Foundation. In this position, he works with cultural entities in China to bring outstanding musical and dance ensembles from the United States to China for the benefit of the Chinese people. He is a former member of the editorial board of the Music Educators Journal and serves the John Philip Sousa Foundation as a member of the Sudler Award Committee. Romines is an educational clinician with Conn-Selmer, Inc. In this capacity, he travels the country working with bands, band directors, and school administration to improve their bands.

Romines earned bachelor and master of music diplomas in music education from the University of Tennessee–Knoxville and the doctor of musical arts degree from the University of Southern Mississippi, where he studied conducting with Thomas V. Fraschillo. Romines has received additional conducting instruction from Richard Blatti, Ray Cramer, Tom Lee, Allan McMurray, and Steven Pratt.

Guest Conductor: Jonathan Helmick

Jonathan HelmickJonathan Helmick serves as director of bands and associate professor of music at Slippery Rock University. Part of his responsibilities includes directing the Slippery Rock University “Marching Pride,” the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, and the Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble. He also teaches assigned courses such as Fundamentals of Conducting, Low Brass Methods, Marching Band Field Charting, Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques, and Applied Euphonium. Under his direction, the Slippery Rock University Wind Ensemble has achieved national acclaim, having been named a finalist for the prestigious American Prize in Wind Ensemble and Concert Band Performance (college/university division). In 2019, the 200-member Slippery Rock University Marching Pride was invited to perform in Ireland at the Dublin St. Patrick’s Festival Parade and the Limerick International Band Championship. During these internationally televised performances, the ensemble received the honor of being named Best Overall Band, Best Adult Band, and Best International Band.

Helmick holds the doctor of musical arts degree in conducting from the University of Southern Mississippi. He earned a master of music degree in euphonium performance with a cognate area in music theory from the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio. Both his bachelor of music in music education degree and bachelor of arts in business and organizational communications degrees were received from the University of Akron with honors. Prior to his college teaching career, Helmick taught in the public schools of Ohio and Mississippi. He has also served as assistant conductor and member of the Board of Trustees for the Freedom Brass Band of Northeast Ohio and performed as a member of the Brass Band of the Western Reserve on both euphonium and baritone.

Active as a musician and educator, Helmick has served as a guest clinician, artist, and adjudicator in Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Sicily. At Slippery Rock University, he has earned the honor of being named the recipient of the 2017–18 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. In 2019, he was honored to receive the Citation of Excellence from the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, representing District 5. Most recently, he was honored to be named among the roster of the 2022 Yamaha “40 Under 40”—a national award celebrating excellence in music education.