
Experiences of Strategic Integration and Implementation of Free Digital Resources Shared by Doctorial Curriculum and Instruction Candidates

Doctoral candidates in Curriculum and Instruction share their experience of strategic integration and implementation of free digital resources, specifically eBooks, to cultivate interest in reading among preK to grade 8 students.


Hassan Publishes a Paper on Educational Vlogs

Ragia Hassan, a doctoral candidate in the Curriculum and Instruction program, published "Educational Vlogs: a Systematic Review" in the journal SAGE Open.

Machado and Chilume Present on Use of Snapchat by Preservice Teachers for Visual Representation of Thought

Crystal Machado, professor in the Department of Professional Studies in Education, and Koga Chilume, a Curriculum and Instruction doctoral candidate, presented a paper titled "Empowering Preservice Teachers to use Snapchat for Visual Representation of Thought" at the International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) on March 15, 2023.

Wissinger, Konek, and Colleagues Publish Meta-Analysis on Silent Reading Fluency Tests

Daniel Wissinger (Professional Studies in Education), Adrea J. Truckenmiller (Michigan State University), Amber Konek (doctoral candidate in Ģtv’s Curriculum and Instruction program in the Professional Studies in Education Department), and Stephen Ciullo (Texas State University) published “The Validity of Two Tests of Silent Reading Fluency: A Meta-Analytic Review.”

Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Candidate Hassan Publishes Book Chapter

Ragia Hassan, doctoral candidate in the Curriculum and Instruction program, published the book chapter: "As if in Their Shoes: Use of Virtual Reality to Enhance Faculty Intercultural Competence" in the book, "Innovative Digital Practices and Globalization in Higher Education" edited by Jared Keengwe and published by IGI Global.


Hassan and Machado Present on Paradox of International Doctoral Student Mothering Across Borders During a Pandemic

Ragia Hassan, a Curriculum and Instruction doctoral candidate, and Crystal Machado from the Department of Professional Studies in Education presented a paper titled “The Paradox of International Doctoral Student Mothering Across Borders During a Pandemic: Contented or Discontented?” at the International Association of Maternal Action +Scholarship.

Machado and Hassan Present on Using Poetic Inquiry to Describe International Doctoral-Students’ Pandemic Experiences

Machado and Hassan presented a paper at the SITE Conference.