Senate Minutes Sep 06 2005

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateSeptember 6, 2005Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Baker, Hull, Kelly, Mannard, SettlemeyerT

Senate Minutes Oct 04 2005

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateOctober 4, 2005Chairperson Smith called the October 4, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following Sena tors informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Appolonia, Beck, Bowers, Hulings, Hull, Janos

MINUTES Nov 01 2005

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateNovember 1, 2005Chairperson Smith called the November 1, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:23 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following Se nators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Anderson, Appolonia, Beck, Boerner, Bowers,

MINUTES May 02 2006

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateMay 2, 2006Chairperson Smith called the May 2, 2006, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:26 p.m., in Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed the Senate Lea dership that they could not attend:Bonach, Burdette, Cowles, Hull, Janosko, Kennedy, Kondo, Marx, Meloy, Poa

MINUTES Mar 28 2006

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateMarch 28, 2006Chairperson Smith called the March 28, 2006, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:27 p.m., in Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed the Sena te Leadership that they could not attend:Beck, Black, Boerner, Bowers, Hulings, Welsh, Yirenkyi, ZhouThe fol

MINUTES Jan 31 2006

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateJanuary 31, 2006Chairperson Smith called the January 31, 2006, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:22 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Alman, Anthony, Ault, Boerner, Himes, Janosko, Kostelnik, M

MINUTES Feb 28 2006

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateFebruary 28, 2006Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed th e Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Anthony, Asamoah, Belch, Broad, Condino, Dugan, Gossett, Groo

Minutes Dec 06 2005

Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateDecember 6, 2005Chairperson Smith called the September 6, 2005, meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:24 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium of Stouffer Hall.The following S enators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend: Ali, Andrew, Beck, Boerner, Brown, Clewel