Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateSeptember 7, 2004University Senate Chairperson Jonathan Smith called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. September 7, 2004, in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators inform ed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Anthony, Federoff, Hughes, Piwinsky, Rosenberger, Rubens
Senate Minutes Oct 05 2004Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateOctober 5, 2004Chairperson Smith called the October 5, 2004 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Dugan, Ferro, Hooks, Hughes, Hulings, Johnson, Kaniasty, Lync
Senate Minutes Nov 02 2004Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateNovember 2, 2004Chairperson Smith called the November 2, 2004 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:15 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed th e Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Ali, Boerner, Dugan, Hull, Kennedy, Kline, J. Myers, Reinhar
Senate Minutes Mar 29 2005Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateMarch 29, 2005Chairperson Smith called the March 29, 2005 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:22 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium, Stouffer Hall.The following Senators i nformed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Senators Anderson, Boda-Sutton, Boerner, Butzow, D
Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateMarch 1, 2005Chairperson Smith called the March 1, 2005 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:20 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium, Stouffer Hall.The following Senators inf ormed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Senators Ames, Appolonia, Ayebo, Beck, Belch, Bharad
Senate Minutes Feb 01 2005Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateFebruary 1, 2005Chairperson Smith called the February 1, 2005 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:15 p.m., in the Stouffer Auditorium.The following Senators informed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Senators (Sandy) Beck, Domaracki, Federoff, Fitting, Green
Senate Minutes Dec 07 2004Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateDecember 7, 2004Chairperson Smith called the December 7, 2004 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:15 p.m., in the Eberly Auditorium.The following Senators informed th e Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Ali, Anthony, Camp, Hall, Hood, Hooks, Hughes, Poague, Rivos
Senate Minutes Apr 26 2005Minutes of theÄ¢¹½tv University SenateApril 26, 2005Chairperson Smith called the April 26, 2005 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:25 p.m., in the Beard Auditorium, Stouffer Hall.The following Senators i nformed the Senate Leadership that they could not attend:Senators Boser, Bowers, Butzow, Cherry, Ferro, Gaz