Post-baccalaureate English 7-12 Certificate Program New Design

Finalized - 5/30/17

PhD in English Composition and Applied Linguistics Program Revision

Finalized - 6/8/18

Master of Arts Teaching English Program Revision

Finalized - 4/25/16

Master of Arts English Literature Program Revision

Finalized - 10/6/17

Master of Arts English Composition and Literature Program Revision

Finalized - 3/19/17

English as a Second Language Specialist Certificate in English Education New Design

Finalized - 5/10/16

ENGL/FNLG 121 Humanities Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 5/10/18

ENGL Course Deletions Course Revision

Finalized - 5/3/16

ENGL 985 Comparative Literary Theory Applied to Traditional and Special Literatures Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 984 Literary Theory Applied to a Major British Author or Theme Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 983 Literary Theory Applied to a Major American Author or Theme Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 848 Topics in Composition and Applied Linguistics Course Revision

Finalized - 6/18/18

ENGL 846 Research Seminar Course Revision

Finalized - 6/18/18

ENGL 835 Research Design and the Craft of Writing New Course

Finalized - 2/22/17

ENGL 820 Quantitative Research in Composition and Applied Linguistics New Course

Finalized - 10/25/16

ENGL 815 Qualitative Research Methods in Composition and Applied Linguistics Course Revision

Finalized - 6/8/18

ENGL 800 Research Methods in Composition and Applied Linguistics Course Revision

Finalized - 6/8/18

ENGL 773/873 Topics in American or British Minority Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 772 872 Topics in Women's Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 771 871 Topics in Postmodern Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 766/866 Topics in Comparative Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 765/865 Topics in Literature as Genre-CrsRvs

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 764/864 Topics in British Literature since 1660-CrsRvs

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 763/863 Topics in British Literature before 1660 Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 762/862 Topics in American Literature since 1870 Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 761 861 Topics in American Literature before 1870 Course Revision

Finalized - 11/20/19

ENGL 756 Digital Literacy for the English Professional: A Domain of One's Own New Course

Finalized - 4/6/17

ENGL 742 Cross Cultural Communication Distance Ed

Finalized - 5/10/17

ENGL 730/830 Research and Practice in the Teaching of College Composition Course Revision

Finalized - 6/8/18

ENGL 644 ESL Media and Materials Distance Ed

Finalized - 5/10/17

ENGL 641 Topics in ESL Pedagogy Distance Ed

Finalized - 5/10/17

ENGL 442 Cross-Cultural Communication New Course

Finalized - 5/28/19

ENGL 441 Topics in ELL and Public ESOL Education

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 426/526 ESL Methods and Materials Distance Ed

Finalized - 5/10/17

ENGL 424 Second Language Acquisition New Course

Finalized - 5/28/19

ENGL 415/515 English Language Studies for Teachers Distance Ed

Finalized - 5/20/19

ENGL 386 Regional Literature in English Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 354 Classical Literature in Translation Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 349 English Bible as Literature Distance Ed

Finalized - 11/12/18

ENGL 346 Topics in American Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 5/28/19

ENGL 345 Topics in British Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 5/28/19

ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/19

ENGL 343 Drama Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 342 Short Fiction Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 340 The Novel Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 337 Myth Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 329 History of English Distance Ed

Finalized - 3/7/17

ENGL 265 Law and Literature Distance Ed

Finalized - 2/22/17

ENGL 226 Survey of Global Literature since 1900 Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 225 Introduction to Literature by Women Distance Ed

Finalized - 11/19/19

ENGL 213 British and American Literature Since 1900 Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 212 American Literature Beginnings to 1900 Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 211 British Literature 1660-1900 Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 210 British Literature to 1660 Distance Ed

Finalized - 2/22/17

ENGL 210 British Literature to 1660 Course Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

ENGL 208 Introduction to Film Distance Ed

Finalized - 5/3/16

ENGL 202 Composition II Course Revision

Finalized - 5/28/19

ENGL 101 Composition I Course Revision

Finalized - 5/19/18

EDUC 452 552 Teaching of English and Communication in the Secondary School Course Revision

Finalized - 10/9/17

BA--English Literary, Textual, and Cultural Studies Track Program Revision

Finalized - 5/9/17

Bachelors of Arts--English Film Studies Track Program Revision

Finalized - 5/9/2017

Bachelor of Arts--English Writing Studies Track Program Revision

Finalized - 5/10/18

Bachelor of Arts-English Pre-Law Track Program Revision

Finalized - 5/10/18

BA English Pre-law Track Program Moratorium

Finalized - 4/8/20

BA English Language Studies Program Revision

Finalized - 3/2/16

B.A. English Literature Culture Track New Track

Finalized - 5/9/17

Geraldine Zalazar, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 12-5-91

LSC# 86 Includes syllabus for EN 212 English Literature from the Restoration to 1900

Matt Willen, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-20-00

LSC# 197 Includes syllabus for EN 212 American Literature: Beginnings to 1900

Michael Vella, English, Type I and III (EN 343) Writing Intensive, approved 9-12-91

LSC# 61 Includes syllabus for EN 343 Major American Authors

R. L. Thomas, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-3-91

LSC# 72 Includes syllabus for EN 211 English Literature to the Restoration

Heather Powers, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-24-05

LSC# 251 Includes syllabus for ENGL 211 British Literature 1660-1900

Chris Orchard, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-21-06

Includes syllabus ENGL 434 Shakespeare and Adaptation, Spring 2006

Christopher Orchard, English, Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-14

14-35a LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14

Cecilia Rodriguez Milanes, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-10-91

LSC# 75 Includes syllabus EN 347 Modern American Fiction and EN 348 African American Writers

Donald McClure, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 7-15-91

LSC# 5 Includes syllabus EN 210 Introduction to Literary Analysis

Catherine McClenahan, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 11-20-03

LSC# 233 Includes syllabus ENGL 211 British Literature 1660-1900, Spring 2001

Lea Masiello, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-18-08

Includes syllabus for ENGL 212 American Literature to 1900

John Marsden, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-20-00

LSC# 198 Includes syllabus for EN 213 British and American Literature since 1900

John L. Marsden, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-169 Writing Intensive - Type I Professor Recommitment, LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14

Barbara Kraszewski, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 7-13-92

LSC#69 Includes syllabus for EN 217 Drama

Tim Hibsman, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-18-12

LSC# WI-11 Includes syllabus for ENGL 222 Technical Writing

Nancy Hayward, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-8-93

LSC# 131 Includes syllabus for EN 348 African-American Literature

Malcom Hayward, English, Type I and III Writing Intensive, approved 10-24-91

LSC# 77 Includes syllabus for EN 381 Poverty and Class in Literature

Janet Goebel, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 2-13-92

LSC# 94 Includes syllabus for EN 210 Literary Analysis

Janet Goebel, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-25-14

13-142c Type I Writing Intensive, Professor Commitment, Janet Goebel, English, LSC App-2/20/14, UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14

Bryna Siegel Finer, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-190 Writing Intensive - Type I Professor Commitment, LSC App-4/3/14, UWUCC App-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

Anthony Farrington, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved

LSC# 252, approved 3/24/05, include syllabus for ENGL 221 Creative Writing

Anthony Farrington, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-25-14

13-142b Type I Writing Intensive, Professor Commitment, Anthony Farrington, English, LSC AP-2/20/14, UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14

David Downing, English, Type I Writing Intensive

LSC# 90 Includes syllabus EN 347 Modern American Fiction

Chauna Craig, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-5-05

LSC#254 Includes syllabus ENGL 326 Creative Writing: Fiction

Chauna Craig, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-25-14

13-142a Type I Writing Intensive, Professor Commitment, Chauna Craig, English, LSC AP-2/20/14, UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14

James Cahalan, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 12-10-01

LSC# WI-208 Includes syllabus for ENGL 387 Irish Literature

Laurel Johnson Black, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-123 Writing Intensive - Type I Professor Commitment, LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14

Carole Bencich, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 12-3-92

LSC# 124 Includes syllabus EN 324 Teaching and Evaluating Writing, Spring 1993

Lynne Alvine, English, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 11-5-92

LSC# 123 Includes syllabi for EN 218 Literature of Adolescence and ED 452 Methods of Teaching English

Pre-Law Interdisciplinary Minor, approved 2-22-11

10-6 Pre-Law Interdisciplinary Minor changes to English course options, UWUCC App-2/15/11, Senate App-2/22/11

English Minor, approved 12/2/14

14-98 program revision, UWUCC App-[11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14

English Honors Program, approved 3-25-14

13-120a program revision, LSC App-1/30/14, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14

BSED English Education, 1989 archives

89-33 program revision

BSED English Education, approved 4-29-03

02-103 program revision, UWUCC App-4/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03

BSED English Education, approved 4-28-09

08-45 program revision, UWUCC App-4/14/09, Senate App-4/28/09

BSED English Education, approved 5-1-12

11-167 program revision, UWUCC AP-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12

BSED English Education, approved 4-30-13

12-117 program revision, UWUCC AP-4/9/13, Senate App-4/30/13

BSED English Education, approved 4-29-14

13-222a program revision, UWUCC AP-4/22/14, Senate App-4/29/14

BA English - Writing Studies Track, approved 12-7-10

10-43e program revision, UWUCC AP-11/16/10, Senate App-12/7/10

BA English - Pre-Law Track, approved 4-29-03

02-61 program revision, UWUCC App-4/15/04, Senate App-4/29/03

BA English - Pre-Law Track, approved 4-21-09

08-70f program revision, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/21/09

BA English - Pre-Law Studies Track, approved 12-7-10

10-43f program revision, UWUCC AP-11/16/10, Senate App-12/7/10

BA English - Literary, Textual, and Cultural Studies Track

10-43d program revision, UWUCC App-11/16/10, Senate App-12/7/10

BA English - Language Studies Track, approved 12-7-10

10-43c program revision, UWUCC App-11/16/10, Senate App-12/7/10

BA Engish-Film Studies Track; Langauge Studies Track; Literary, Textual and Cultural Studies Track; Writing Studies Track

08-44a catalog description change, new track, program revision, UWUCC App-4/7/07, Senate App-4/21/09

BA English - Film Studies Track, approved 12-7-10

10-43b program revision, UWUCC App-11/16/10, Senate App-12/7/10

Letters of Support for Revised English Program, approved 4-1-97

 96-23  UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

BA English, approved 4-1-97

96-23 program revision, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

BA English - All Tracks, approved 3-20-12

11-103 BA English-Film Studies Track; BA English-Language Studies Track; BA English-Literary, Textual, and Cultural Studies Track; BA English-Writing Studies Track; BA English-Pre-law Studies Track; program revisions, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12

English Tim Hibsman Type I WI Professor Commitment

Ìý12-70 Type I Professor Commitment Writing Intensive, LSC App-10/18/12, UWUCC App-11/27/12, Senate App-1/29/13

XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)

90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91

ENGL 485 Honors English Portfolio/H, approved 3-25-14

13-120b new course, UWUCC AP-3/11/14, Senate App-3/25/14

ENGL 484 Topics in English Studies

08-70h new course, UWUCC App-3/31/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 483 Field Experience

02-20f course deletion, UWUCC App-10/22/02, Senate App-11/5/02

ENGL 483 Topics in Global Literature and Film

11-137b course revision, UWUCC App-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12

EN 480 Seminar: Studies in English and American Literature

 96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 466 Topics in Theory

08-70k new course, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 463 Topics in Global Literature and Film

08-70l new course, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 463 Topics in Global Literature and Film, approved 5-1-12

11-137b course revision, UWUCC App-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12

EN 462 Topics in American Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 462 Topics in American Literature

08-39mm catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 461 Topics in British Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 461 Topics in British Literature

08-39ll catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 460 Topics in Film

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 450 Film Theory

08-39r was ENGL 356, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 440 Major Figures in Film

08-39q was ENGL 357, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 437 Major Global Authors

08-39p was ENGL 399, course number change, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 436 Major American Authors

 96-23 course revision, course number change (was EN 343), UWCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 436 Major American Authors

08-39kk catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 434 Shakespeare

 96-23 course revision, course number change (was EN 341) UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 434 Shaekspeare

08-39jj catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 430 Major British Authors

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 430 Major British Author

08-39hh catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 426 ESL Methods and Materials, part 2

 02-45, course revision, dual listing with ENGL 526, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/29/03

ENGL 426 ESL Methods and Materials, part 1

02-45 was ENGL 334, course number change, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/29/03

EN 422 Technical Writing II

 96-23 course revision, course number change (was EN 340), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 422 Digital Writing

08-39o was Technical Writing II, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC W-3/5/09

ENGL 421 Digital Writing

08-88 new course, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 420 Special Writing Applications

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 420 Writers' Studio

08-39n was Special Applications in Writing, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 418 Young Adult Literature, approved 4-29-14

13-222b course number and title change (was ENGL 318 Literature for Adolescents), course revision, UWUCC AP-4/22/14, Senate App-4/29/14

ENGL 415 English Language Studies for Teachers

12-114 new course, UWUCC AP-4/9/13, Senate App-4/30/13

EN 401 Advanced Literary Criticism

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 399 Global Authors

02-25d new course, UWUCC App-1/21/03, Senate App-4/1/03

ENGL 398 Global Genres

02-25c new course, UWUCC App-1/21/03, Senate 4/1/03

ENGL 397 Scenic Design and Lighting, course deletion

02-25e UWUCC App-10/8/02, Senate App-11/5/02

ENGL 397 Global Literature, approved 4-1-03

02-25b new course, UWUCC App-1/21/03, Senate App-4/1/03

ENGL 397 Global Literature, approved 4-21-09

08-397 course deletion, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 396 Literature of Emerging Nations

2002 Archives, LSC App-10/14/02, Non-western Cultures

EN 387 Irish Literature

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 387 Irish Literature, Senate Info. 2-28-06

05-38d catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate Info.-2/28/06

ENGL 387 Irish Literature, Senate Info. 5-1-07

06-46 catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/20/07, Senate Info.-5/1/07

EN 386 Regional Literature in English

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 386 Regional Literature in English

08-39gg catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 385 Advanced Women's Literature

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 385 Advanced Studies in Women's Literature

08-44e was Advanced Women's Literature, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/-09

EN 384 Introduction to Literature by Women

91-65 new course

EN 383 Man in the Natural World

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 382 War in Literature (1991 archives)

91-3 catalog description change

EN 382 War in Literature, approved 4-1-97

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 381 Poverty and Class in Literature

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 380 Country Life-City Life

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 373 Concepts of Character in Drama and Novel

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 372 Alienation in Literature

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 371 Hero and Antihero

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 363 The Puritan Mind

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 362 Chivalry and Courtly Love

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 361 Environmental Literature

08-70i new course, UWUCC AP-4/7/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 360 Editing and Publishing

08-70e new course, UWUCC AP-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 357 Major Figures in Film

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 356 Film Theory

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 354 Classical Literature in Translation

96-23 course number change (was EN 345), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 352 Symbol and Allegory

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 351 The Literature of Discursive Reason

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 350, 327, 328, 222

08-44f course deletions, UWUCC App-4/16/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 350 Gender and Sexual Orientation in Literature, Theory and Film

08-70j new course, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 350 The Metaphoric Perspective

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 349 English as Bible Literature

96-23 course revision, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 348 African-American Literature

96-23 course revision, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 348 African American Literature, distance education

11-39 UWUCC App-10/4/11, Senate Info.-11/8/11

EN 347 Modern American Fiction

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

THTR 347/ENGL 347 Playwriting, Type II Department Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-14

14-39 LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14

EN 346 Contemporary British and American Poetry

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 344 Ethnic American Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature

08-39ff catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 343 Drama

08-39m was ENGL 217, course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/18/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 342 Milton, approved 4-1-97

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 342 Short Fiction

08-39l was ENGL 216, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/17/09. Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 342 Chaucer, approved 4-21-09

08-39ii catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 342 Short Fiction, Senate Info.-2-21-12

11-91 UWUCC AP-2/7/12, Senate Info.-2/21/12

ENGL 341 Poetry

08-39k was ENGL 215, course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-2/3/09, App-4/21/09

EN 340 Chaucer

 96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 340 The Novel

08-39j was ENGL 214, course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/18/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 338 Oral Literature

08-39ee catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 337 Myth

96-23 course number and title change (was EN 370 Myth and Literature), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 335 Essay

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 335 Literary Nonfiction

08-39i was The Essay, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 332 Advanced Film

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 332 Language, Gender, and Society

91-64 new course

ENGL 332 Film Genres

08-39h was Advanced Film, course title change, catalog description change

ENGL 328 Introduction to Linguistics

08-44d new course, UWUCC App-3/17/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 327 Writing Creative Nonfiction

08-39c new course, UWUCC App-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 326 Creative Writing: Fiction

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 326 Creative Writing: Fiction

05-38c catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate Info.-2/28/06

ENGL 325 Writing Poetry

08-70d course title change, UWUCC App-2/17/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 325 Creative Writing: Poetry

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 325 Creative Writing: Poetry

05-38b catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate Info.-2/28/06

ENGL 324 Teaching and Evaluating Writing, approved 3-1-16

15-99 Type II Department Recommitment Writing Intensive, LSC App-1/29/16, UWUCC App-2/16/16, Senate App-3/1/16

EN 322 Technical Writing I

96-23 course title change (was Technical Writing), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

EN 321 Creative Writing II

96-23 course deletion, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 321 Persuasive Speech and Writing

08-39b new course, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 320 Advanced Composition II

08-70c course deletion, UWUCC App-2/17/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 319 American Literature 1940-Present

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 319 American Literature 1940-Present

08-39dd catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 318 Adolescent Literature

92-48 course number and title change (was EN 218 Literature of Adolescence), UWUCC App-4/15/93, Senate App-5/04/93

EN 317 American Literature 1880-1940

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 317 American Literature 1880-1940

08-39cc catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 316 American Literature 1820-1880

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 316 American Literature 1820-1880

08-39bb catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 315 American Literature to 1820

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 315 American Literature to 1820

08-39aa catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 314 Speech and Communication in the Secondary English Classroom

89-34a new course

EN 313 Speech-The Rhetorical Tradition

87-29 title change (was The History of Rhetorical Theory)

ENGL 313 Rhetorical Trends and Traditions

08-44c course title change (was The Rhetorical Tradition), catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/18/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 312 Speech-Persuasion

08-39s course deletion, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 309 Dramaturgy

11-140 course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/19/12, Senate App-10/9/12

ENGL 309,THTR 311 Dramaturgy

12-71 Type II Writing Intensive, LSC App-11/1/12, UWUCC App-11/27/12, Senate App-1/29/13

ENGL 308 Critical Theory

98-39g was ENGL 401 Advanced Literary Theory and Criticism, course revision, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/10/09, App-4/21/09

EN 307 Contemporary British Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 307 Contemporary British Literature

08-39z catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, App-4/21/09

EN 306 Modern British Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97 

ENGL 306 Modern British Literature

08-39y catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 305 British Victorian Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 305 British Victorian Literature

08-39x catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 304 British Romantic Literature

96-23 course number and title change (was EN 360 Romanticism), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97 

ENGL 304 British Romantic Literature

08-39w catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 303 British Enlightenment Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 303 British Enlightenment Literature

08-39v catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 302 Reniassance Literature

96-23  course revision, course number and title change (was EN 361 The Renaissance), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 302 Renaissance Literature

08-39u catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 301 British Medieval Literature

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 281 Special Topics: Nautical Film and Literature, distance education

13-76 distance education, UWUCC AP-10/15/13, Senate Info-11/5/13

ENGL 281 Special Topics: Sports Film and Literature, distance education

15-49 UWUCC App-9/22/15, Senate Info-10/6/15

ENGL 265 Law and Literature

08-70g new course, UWUCC App-3/10/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 232 Teaching Literature and Reading in the Secondary School

89-34b new course

ENGL 227 Introduction to Legal Writing, approved 4/29/14

13-175 new course, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14

ENGL 227 Introduction to Legal Writing, distance education, info. 4/29/14

13-182 UWUCC AP-4/1/14, Senate Info.-4/29/14

ENGL 226 Survey of Global Literature

08-39a new course, UWUCC AP-11/11/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 225 Introduction to Literature by Women

96-23 course number change (was EN 384), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 222 Technical Writing, approved 4-21-09

08-39f was ENGL 322 Technical Writing I, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 222 Technical Writing, distance education

11-90 UWUCC AP-2/7/12, Senate Info.-2/21/12

ENGL 222 Technical Writing, approved 11-3-15

15-48 Type II Department Recommitment Writing Intensive, LSC App-9/28/15, UWUCC App-10/20/15, Senate App-11/3/15

ENGL 221 Creative Writing

05-38a catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/14/06, UWUCC Info.-2/28/06

ENGL 220 Advanced Composition

08-70a course title change (was Advanced Composition I), UWUCC App-2/17/09, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 213 British and American Literature Since 1900

96-23 new course, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 211 British Literature 1660-1900, distance education

11-92 UWUCC AP-2/7/12, Senate Info.-2/21/12

EN 210 Introduction to Literary Analysis

1988 Archives

ENGL 208 Introduction to Film Studies

08-39e course title change, was Art of the Film, UWUCC App-10/28/08, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 208 Introduction to Film Studies, approved 3-29-16

15-119 Type III Professor Makes Individual Course Application Writing Intensive, LSC App-3/25/16, UWUCC App-3/15/16, Senate App-3/29/16

ENGL 203 Introduction to Language Studies

08-44b new course, UWUCC AP-11/18/08, Senate App-4/21/09

EN 202 Research Writing

88-39b liberal studies approval

ENGL 202 Composition II

11-96b course revision, course title change (was Research Writing), catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12

EN 122 Introduction to Literary Analysis

96-23 course number change (was EN 210), UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

ENGL 122 Introduction to English Studies, approved 4-21-09

08-39d was Introduction to Literary Analysis, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/31/09, Senate App-4/21/09

ENGL 122 Introduction to English Studies, approved 4-30-13

12-103 course revision, LSC AP-4/4/13, UWUC App-4/23/13, Senate App-4/30/13

ENGL 122 Introduction to English Studies, Type II Department Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-14

14-35b LSC App-5/1/14, UWUC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14

EN 121 Introduction to Literature

88-39c liberal studies approval

EN 121 Humanities Literature

91-70 title change (was Introduction to Literature), catalog description change

ENGL, FNLG 121 Humanities Literature

11-137a course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/12

ENGL-FNLG 121 Humanities Literature

11-137a course revision, course title change, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/12

EN 101 College Writing

88-39a liberal studies approval

ENGL 101 College Writing, Senate Info. 1-29-02

01-32 UWUCC App-11/27/01, Senate Info.-1/29/02

ENGL 101 Composition I, approved 2-21-12

11-96a course revision, course title change (was College Writing), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/7/12, Senate App-2/21/12

CHSS 343 Applied Practice in Secondary English Language Arts

11-168 new course, UWUCC AP-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12