15-40 LSC App-8/27/15, UWUCC App-9/22/15, Senate App-10/6/15
Kelli Paquette, Professional Studies in Education, Type I Department Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-1414-50 LSC App-9/4/14, UWUCC App-9/16/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Urban Track Designation for Elementary Education03-30 new track, UWUCC App-3/23/04, Senate App-4/27/04
Restructuring of Early Childhood Education Teacher Preparation ProgramThis is a summary of proposals 03-23a through 03-23k.
Middle Level Education Grades 4-8 with Mathematics Specialization09-23a new degree program, UWUCC AP-11/10/09, Senate App-12/1/09
Middle Level Education-English Language Arts10-74a new track, UWUCC AP-4/12/11, Senate App-4/19/11
ECED-PreK-Grade 604-68a program revision, UWUCC App-4/19/05, Senate App-4/26/05
Dual Certification - Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education96-63 Curriculum Plan for Dual Certification, UWUCC App-4/22/97, Senate App-9/9/97
Dual Certification - Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education96-64 Curriculum Plan for Dual Certification, UWUCC App-4/22/97, Senate App-9/9/97
Dual Certification- Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education with Education of Exceptional Persons or Education of Persons with Hearing Loss94-43 UWUCC App-4/18/95, Senate App-9/12/95
BSED Middle Level Program - Social Studies Specialization12-14c new track, UWUCC AP-10/23/12, Senate App-11/6/12
BSED Middle Level Program - Science Specialization12-14b new track, UWUCC AP-10/23/12, Senate App-11/6/12
BSED Middle Level Education, Grades 4-8 Science Specialization11-24 resubmitted as 11-87b
BSED Middle Level Education Grades 4-8, Science Specialization, BSED Middle Level Education Grades 4-8 Social Studies Specialization, approved 4-29-1413-178 program revisions, Biology Fast Track Changes, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14
BS Middle Level Education Grades 4-8 Mathematiecs Specialization, BSED Middle Level Program English, Language Arts Specialization, approved 4-29-1413-158 program revisions LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC AP-3/11/14, Senate App-4/29/14
BSED Elementary Education, approved 3-1-9493-2 program change, UWUCC App-2/08/94, Senate App-3/01/94
BSED Early Childhood Education, approved 5-4-9392-30 program revision, UWUCC App-4/20/93, Senate App-5/04/93
BSED Early Childhood Education (1992 archives)92-30 program revision
BSED Early Childhood Education, approved 4-30-9695-54 program revision, UWUCC App-4/09/96, Senate App-4/30/96
BSED Elementary Education, approved 4-30-9695-53 program revision, UWUCC App-4/09/96, Senate App-4/30/96
BSED Elementary Education, approved 9-9-9796-71 program revision, UWUCC App-4/22/97, Senate App-9/9/97
BSED Elementary Education, approved 2-25-0302-46b program revision, UWUCC App-2/4/03, Senate App-2/25/03
BSED Early Childhood Education PreK-6, approved 3-2-0403-23a title change (was BSED - Early Childhood Education), catalog description change, program revision, UWUCC App-11/18/03, Senate App-3/2/04
BSED Early Childhood Education, approved 4-15-9796-71d program revision, UWUCC App-4/15/97, Senate App-4/29/97
BSED Early Childhood Education, approved 2-25-0302-46a program revision, UWUCC App-2/4/03 Senate App-2/25/03
BSED Early Childhood Education PreK-Grade 4, Special Education PreK-Grade 8 (ECED, EDEX)09-22a program title change, program revision, UWUCC AP-9/1/09, Senate App-9/15/09
BS Early Childhood Education, approved 10-6-1515-22 program revision, program title change (was BS in Education - Early Childhood Education/PreK-Grade 6), LSC App-4/9/15, UWUCC AP-9/15/15, Senate App-10/6/15
BSED Early Childhood Education, Special Education Urban Track, approved 10-10-1111-13 new track, UWUCC AP-9/27/11, Senate App-10/11/11
BSED Early Education-Special Education Urban Track, approved 4-30-13 and 9/10/1312-132a program revision, LSC App-4/25/13, UWUCC AP-4/23/13, Senate App-4/30/13 and 9/10/13
11-86 program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BSED Early Childhood Education/ Special Education, approved 3-31-1514-136 program revision, Provost App-2/23/15, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15
BSED Early Childhood Education-Special Education Urban Track, approved 10-11-1111-13 new track, UWUCC AP-9/27/11, Senate App-10/11/11
Liberal Studies Fine Arts Requirement Change-Elementary Education92-33 program revision, UWUCC App-4/15/93, Senate App-5/04/93
XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91
MIDL 425 Language Arts Instruction and Assessment in Grades 4-8, approved 12-1-0909-23h new course, UWUCC AP-10/13/09, Senate App-12/1/09
MIDL 425 Methods of Teaching Language Arts in Grades 4-8, approved 1-29-1312-62b catalog description change, LSC App-11/1/12, UWUCC AP-11/27/12, Senate App-1/29/13
MIDL 422 Diagnostic and Remedial Reading10-74d course revision, catalog description change, course prefix change (was ELED 422), UWUCC AP-4/12/11, Senate App-4/19/11
MIDL 408 Literacy in the Content Areas10-74e new course, UWUCC AP-4/12/11, Senate App-4/19/11
MIDL 315 Classroom Management and Adolescent Development, approved 12-1-0909-23c new course, UWUCC AP-11/10/09, App-12/1/09
MIDL 315 Classroom Management and Adolescent Development, approved 1-29-1312-62a catalog description change, type II writing intensive, LSC App-11/1/12, UWUCC App-11/27/12, Senate App-1/29/13
MIDL 312 Science Instruction and Assessment in Grades 4-809-23G new course, UWUCC AP-10/13/09, Senate App-12/1/09
MIDL 311 Social Studies Instruction and Assessment in Grades 4-809-23f new course, AP-10/13/09, App-12/1/09
MIDL 310 Instructional Theory and Planning for the Middle Level09-23b new course, AP-10/13/09, Senate App-9/14/10
MIDL 222 Reading and Instruction and Assessment in Grades 4-809-23e new course, UWUCC AP-10/13/09, Senate App-12/1/09
MIDL 221 Literature for Middle Level09-23d new course, UWUCC AP-10/13/09, Senate App-12/1/09
FDED 441 Field Experiences in Urban Centers, approved 11-4-0808-36 course prerequisite change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/21/08, Senate App-11/4/08
FDED 441 Field Experiences in Urban Education, approved 4-19-1110-63 course revision, course title change (was Field Experiences in Urban Centers), catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/29/11, Senate App-4/19/11
FDED 440 Orientation to Teaching in Urban Centers12-132b course revision, UWUCC App-4/29/13 via email, Senate App-4/30/13
FDED 102 American Education in Theory and Practice, approved 5-01-0100-31 course revision, course number change (was FDED 202), UWUCC App-4/10/01, Senate App-5/1/01
FDED 102 American Education in Theory and Practice, approved 12-03-0202-35 Remove from teacher education core, UWUCC App-11/12/02, Senate App-12/3/02
92-34 prefix change (was EE), UWUCC App-3/09/93, Senate App-5/04/93
EL 357 Pedagogy II, approved 5-4-9392-31 course description change, UWUCC App-4/20/93, Senate App-5/04/93
EL 313 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, approved 5-3-9493-48 change in prerequisites, UWUCC App-3/22/94, Senate App-5/03/94
EL 313 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, approved 2-3-9897-20 course revision, UWUCC App-1/20/98, Senate App-2/03/98
EL 257 Pedagogy I, approved 4-29-9796-71c course number change (was EL 356), UWUCC App-4/15/97, Senate App-4/29/97
EL 257 Pedagogy I, approved 9-9-9796-62 course revision, UWUCC App-4/22/97, Senate App-9/9/97
EL 222 Reading for the Elementary School97-20a title change (was Teaching of Reading I), catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/21/97, Senate App-11/04/97
ELED 110 Pathways to Teaching00-43 new course, UWUCC App-4/17/01, Senate App-5/01/01
EDUC 471 Student Teaching09-22p new course, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, App-9/15/09
EDUC 461 Student Teaching09-22o new course, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, Senate App-9/15/09
EDUC 442 School Law, distance education06-22 UWUCC App-11/14/06, Senate Info.-12/5/06
EDUC 440 Teacher as Leader12-14a new course, UWUCC AP-1/31/12, Senate App-11/6/12
EDUC 421 Student Teaching, change in credit hours09-23j course revision, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09
EDUC 421 Student Teaching - Middle Level Education Grades 4-8, approved 12-1-0909-23i course revision, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09
ED 389 Field Experience Intervention97-17 new course, UWUCC App-4/21/98, Senate App-5/05/98
ECSP 440 Professional Seminar: Teacher as Researcher and Advocate for all PreK to Grade 4 Learners09-22n new course, UWUCC AP-9/1/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECSP 340 Introduction to Classroom and Behavior Management, approved 9-15-0909-22m new course, UWUCC AP-6/30/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECSP 340 Introduction to Classroom and Behavior Management, approved 12-7-1010-42c catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/26/10, Senate App-12/7/10
ECSP 314 Creative Experiences & Play for all PreK to Grade 4 Learners09-22l was ECED 314 Creative Experiences to Enhance Literacy Acquisition, course revision, course prefix change, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECSP 314, ECED 280, 351, 310, 411, 451, ECSP 44010-72 catalog description changes, UWUCC App-4/26/11, Senate App-9/13/11
ECSP 112 Growth and Development: Typical and Atypical09-22k was EDEX 112 Typical and Atypical Growth and Development, course revision, course prefix change, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 499 Advocacy and Collaboration in Diverse Families and Communities, approved 4-28-1514-171d new course, UWUCC AP-4/14/15, Senate App-4/28/15
ECED 480 Professional Seminar: Teacher as Researcher and Advocate03-23e new course, UWUCC App-11/11/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 451 Literacy for the Developing Reader-Grades 2-4 Learners09-22j was Teaching Primary Reading, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-6/30/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 425 Methods of Teaching and Assessing Language Arts: Pre-K to Grade 4 Learners, approved 10-6-1515-47b course prefix change (was ELED), course title change (was Language Arts Across the Curriculum, catalog description change, modify prerequisite, UWUCC AP-9/15/15, Senate App-10/6/15
ECED 411 Social Studies for all PreK to Grade 4 Learners09-22i was ELED 411 Teaching of Social Studies, course revision, course prefix change, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-6/30/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 351 Literacy for the Emergent Reader-PreK to Grade 1 Learners09-22h new course, UWUCC App-6/30/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 315 Development and Learning Through Play03-23f course deletion, UWUCC App-11/11/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 314 Creative Experiences to Enhance Literacy Acquisition03-23c new course, UWUCC App-11/11/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 312 Aesthetic Experiences for Young Children03-23h course deletion, UWUCC App-11/11/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 311 Integrated Curriculum II03-23g course deletion, AP-11/22/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 310 Science, Health, and Safety for all PreK to Grade 4 Learners09-22g was Science and Health in the Literacy Based Early Childhood Curriculum, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 310 Science and Health in the Literacy-based Early Childhood Curriculum03-23i was Integrated Curriculum I, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/18/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 280 Maximizing Learning: Engaging all PreK to Grade 4 Learners09-22f was Maximizing Learning, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC SP-8/18/09, App-9/15/09
ECED 280 Maximizing Learning03-23d new course, UWUCC App-11/11/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 250 Language Development10-42b catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/26/10, Senate App-12/7/10
ECED 221 Literatue for the Young Child and Adolescent, approved 9-15-0909-22e was ELED 221Children's Literature, course revision, course title change, course prefix change, UWUCC App-6/30/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 221 Literature for the Young Child and Adolescent, approved 10-26-1010-42a catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/26/10, Senate App-12/7/10
ECED 220 Language Development09-22d new course, UWUCC App-6/30/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 220 Children's Literature to Enhance Emergent and Beginning Reading03-23j was Language Development and Children's Literature, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/18/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 220 Differentiating Literacy Instruction through Children's Literature, approved 10-6-15ECED 215 The Developing Child: K-4th grade, approved 4-28-1514-171c course revision, course prefix change, course title change, catalog description change (was ELED 215 Child Development), UWUCC App-4/14/15, Senate App-4/28/15
ECED 200 Introduction to Early Childhood Education, approved 9-10-1312-138 catalog description change, UWUCC App-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13
ECED 200 Introduction to Early Childhood Education, approved 9-15-0909-22c course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-6/30/09, UWUCC App-9/15/09
ECED 200 Introduction to Early Childhood Education, approved 12-2-0303-23k catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/18/03, Senate App-12/2/03
ECED 180 Orientation to the ECED-PreK-6 Program, approved 3-2-0403-23b UWUCC App-11/11/03, Senate App-12/2/03 & 3/2/04
ECED 180 Orientation to ECED-PreK-Grade 6 Program, approved 4-26-0504-68c was Orientation to the ECED/ELED Program, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/19/05, Senate App-4/26/05
ECED 117 Family, Community, and School Relationships in a Diverse Society09-22b new course, UWUCC AP-8/18/09, Senate App-9/15/09
ECED 112 Childhood Development Birth-Age 5, approved 10-6-1514-171b new course, UWUCC App-9/15/15, Senate App-10/6/15