01-25 new course prefix, not approved by UWUCC 9/18/01
Genrontology Certificate Program, approved 10-15-9191-10 new program, approved-10/15/91
Gerontology Certificate Program, withdrawn 3-18-9796-8 program revision, UWUCC-withdrawn 3/18/97
Gerontology Certificate Program, approved 12-1-1515-79 program revision, UWUCC App-11/17/15, Senate App-12/1/15
BS Respiratory Care - CRT Track, approved 4-15-0302-30, replaced by 03-7 on Senate approved-4/15/03
BS Respiratory Care - CRT Track, approved 3-20-1211-78f program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BS Repiratory Care - Certified Respiratory Therapist, Withdrew 9-18-1515-42c program revision, Withdrew- 9/18/15
BS Respiratory Care/ Certified Respiratory Therapist Track, approved 3-31-1514-147 program revision, Provost App-3/16/15, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15
BS Respiratory Care, approved 3-3-9897-28 program revision, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
BS Respiratory Care, approved 9-9-0303-7a 120 credit program revision, UWUCC App-8/26/03, Senate App-9/9/03
BS Respiratory Care, approved 3-20-1211-78e program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BS Respiratory Care, approved 4-28-1514-146c program revision, catalog description change, Provost App-3/16/15, UWUCC AP-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
BS Respiratory Care, withdrew 9-18-1515-42b program revision, Withdrew 9/18/15
BS Rehabilitation, approved 11-7-9595-8 program revision, UWUCC App-9/19/95, Senate App-11/7/95
BS Nursing - RN Track, approved 5-1-0100-44 new track, UWUCC App-4/17/01, Senate App-5/01/01
BS Nursing - RN Track, approved 3-20-1211-78d program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BS Nursing, BS in Nursing-Registered Nurse Track, approved 4-29-0302-99 a, b program revision, UWUCC App-4/8/03, Senate App-4/29/03
BS Nursing - Licensed Practical Nurse Track, approved 10-5-0404-8 new track, UWUCC App-9/21/04, Senate App-10/5/04
BS Nursing - Licensed Practical Nurse Track, approved 3-27-1211-78g program revision, UWUCC 3/27/12, Senate App-4/17/12
BS - Nursing/Licensed Practice Nurse Track, approved 11-3-1515-19b program revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-9/29/15, Senate App-11/3/15
BS Nursing, approved 5-2-9594-86 program revision, UWUCC App-4/11/95, Senate App-5/02/95
BS Nursing, approved 2-27-0100-32 program revision, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-2/27/01
BS Nursing, approved 11-2-1010-24a program revision, UWUCC AP-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
BS Nursing, approved 4-27-0403-49 program revision, UWUCC App-4/20/04, Senate App-4/27/04
BS Nursing, approved 3-20-1211-78c program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BS Nursing, approved 2-26-1312-69a program revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
BS - Nursing, approved 10-6-1515-19a program revision, catalog description change, LSC App-9/10/15, UWUCC AP-9/22/15, Senate App-10/6/15
BS Nuclear Medicine Technology, approved 3-29-9493-64 new program, UWUCC App-3/15/94, Senate App-3/29/94
BS Nuclear Medicine Technology, approved 10-5-9999-26 program revision, UWUCC App-4/27/99, Senate App-10/05/99
BS Nuclear Medicine Technology, approved 4-29-0302-123b program revision, UWUCC App-4/22/03, Senate App-4/29/03
BS Nuclear Medicine Technology, approved 3-20-1211-78a program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BS Nuclear Medicine Technology, approved 4-28-1514-146d program revision, catalog description change, Provost App-3/16/15, UWUCC AP-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
BS - Nuclear Medicine Technology, approved 11-3-1515-42a program revision, LSC App-9/10/15, UWUCC App-10/13/15, Senate App-11/3/15
BS Medical Technology, approved 11-7-9595-7 program revision, UWUCC App-9/26/95, Senate App-11/7/95
BS Clinical Laboratory Science, approved 2-29-0302-125a program title change (was Medical Technology), program revision, UWUCC App-4/22/03, Senate App-2/29/03
BS Clinical Laboratory Science, approved 3-20-1211-78b program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BS Clinical Laboratory Science, approved 10-8-1313-42 program revision, UWUCC App-9/3/13, Senate App-10/8/13
Bachelor of Science Clinical Laboratory Science, approved 4-29-1413-183b program revision, program catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14
BS - Clinical Laboratory Science, approved 11-3-1515-51 program revision, UWUCC AP-10/20/15, Senate App-11/3/15
Department of Nursing and Allied Health Professions09-70 catalog description change UWUCC App-4/1/10, Senate App-4/20/10
XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91
Respiratory Care Course Title changes for Senate Information87-18 course title changes include: RT 326, RT 328, RT 329, RT 333, RT 334, RT 337, RT 426, RT 428, RT 429, RT 431, RT 433, RT 434, and RT 436
RT 481 Special Topics88-50 new course
NURS 440 Nursing Management Clinical, Type II Designation, approved 11-1-1016-57 Type II Designation, LSC App-10/11/16, UWUCC App-10/11/16, Senate App-11/1/10
03-07e course revision, UWUCC App-8/26/03, Senate App-9/9/03
NURS 431 Public-Community Health Clinical, approved 11-1-1616-56 Type II Writing Intensive Designation, LSC App-10/11/16, UWUCC App-10/11/16, Senate App-11/1/16
RT 430 Pulmonary Function Studies97-28f course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RESP 426 Respiratory Care Clinical Practice III03-7d course revision, UWUCC App-8/26/03, Senate App-9/9/03
RT 425 Clinical Case Studies97-28c new course, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RT 342 Preceptorship in Respiratory Care97-28b new course, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RT 335 Patient Care Skills97-28d title change (was Patient Care Skills), UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RESP 333 Respiratory Care Clinical Practice II03-7c course revision, UWUCC App-8/26/03, Senate App-9/9/03
RT 331 Introduction to Ventilator Management97-28g course deletion, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RT 329 Respiratory Care Equipment97-28e course revision, title change (was RT 329 Respiratory Therapy Instrumentation), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RC 201 Respiratory Care Seminar 292-29 new course
RT 101 The Profession of Respiratory Care97-28a new course, UWUCC App-2/17/98, Senate App-3/03/98
RC 101 Respiratory Care Seminar I92-28 new course
Nursing Course Revisions91-44 course revisions (include: NU 280, NU 285, NU 322, NU 302, NU 303, NU 323, NU 304, NU 305, NU 300, 310, 400, 410, NU 422, NU 402, NU 403, NU 423, NU 404, NU 405, NU 430)
NU 493 Internship98-37 new course, UWUCC App-2/23/99, Senate App-4/06/99
NURS 493 Internship00-46 course revision, UWUCC App-4/17/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NU 480 Seminar in Nursing94-86a new course, UWUCC App-4/11/95, Senate App-5/02/95
NURS 480 Seminar in Nursing00-45 course revision, UWUCC App-4/17/01, Senate App 5/01/01
NURS 480 Seminar in Nursing, distance education12-44b distance education, UWUCC App-10/2/12, Senate Info-11/6/12
NURS 469 Community Practicum00-44f new course, new track, UWUCC App-4/17/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NURS 467 Leadership Practicum00/44e new course, new track, UWUCC App-3/27/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NURS 455 Introduction to Nursing Informatics00-44d new course, new track, UWUCC App-3/27/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NURS 454 Health Promotion of Families Across the Lifespan00-44c new course, new track, UWUCC App-3/27/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NU 450 A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Problem Solving00-18 new course, UWUCC App-2/13/01, Senate App-2/27/01
NURS 450 A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Problem Solving10-24j course revision, UWUCC App-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 450 Cognitive Approach to Clinical Problem Solving, approved 2-26-1312-69w course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 440 Nursing Management Clinical12-69v new course, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 437 Adult Health Clinical II, approved 2-27-0100-32p new course, UWUCC App-2/13/01, Senate App-2/27/01Â
10-24i course revision, UWUCC AP-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 437 Adult Health II Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69u course revision, course title change (was Adult Health Clinical II), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 436 Adult Health II, approved 2-27-0100-32o new course, UWUCC App-2/13/01, Senate App-2/27/01Â
10-24h course revision, UWUCC AP-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 436 Adult Health II, approved 2-26-1312-69t course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 435 Community Psych-Mental-Mental Health Clinical10-24d course deletion, UWUCC App-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
00-32m new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01Â
10-24g course revision, UWUCC App-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 434 Community Health, distance education09-67 UWUCC AP-4/6/10, UWUCC Senate Info.-4/20/10
NURS 434 Public, Community Nursing, approved 2-26-1312-69s course revision, course title change (was Community Nursing), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 433 Psychiatric-Mental Health Clinical10-24p new course, UWUCC App-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 433 Psychiatric, Mental Health Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69r course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 432 Psychiatric, Mental Health Nursing, approved 2-27-0100-32l new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
10-24f course revision, UWUCC App-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 432 Psychiatric, Mental Health, approved 2-26-1312-69q course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 431 Community Health Clinical10-24o new course, UWUCC App-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 431 Public, Community Nursing Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69p course revision, course title change (was Community Nursing Clinical), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NU 430 Nursing Research00-32t course deletion, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01Â
00-32k new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
10-24e course revision, UWUCC App-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 412 Nursing Management, approved 2-26-1312-69o course revision, course title change (was Professional Nurse III), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 411 Advanced Health Assessment00-44b new course, new track, UWUCC Ap-3/27/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NU 410 Nursing Seminar IV94-86e course deletion, UWUCC App-4/11/95, Senate App-5/02/95
NU 407 Skills for Professional Success96-46 new course, UWUCC App-1/21/97, Senate App-2/4/97
NU 402 Core III, NU 403 Clinical Lab III, NU 422 MR Wellness III00-32s course deletions, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01Â
94-86d course deletion, UWUCC App-4/11/95, Senate App-5/02/95
NURS 340 Nursing Pharmacology07-34 new course, UWUCC App-1/15/08, Senate App-1/29/08
NURS 340 Nursing Pharmacology, distance ed, Info-12/1/1515-65 distance education, UWUCC AP- 10/13/15, Senate Info- 12/1/15
NURS 339 Maternal, Child Health Clinical, approved 2-27-0100-32j new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
10-24c course deletion, UWUCC App-9-21-10, Senate App-11-2-10
NURS 338 Maternal Child Health, approved 2-27-0100-32i new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
10-24b course deletion, UWUCC App-9/21/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 337 Adult Health Clinical I, approved 2-27-0100-32h new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
07-35a course revision, UWUCC AP-1/22/08, Senate App-2/26/08
NURS 337 Adult Health I Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69n course revision, course title change (was Adult Health Clinical I), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 336 Adult Health I00-32g new course, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
NURS 336 Adult Health I, approved 2-26-1312-69m course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 334 Transitions in Professional Nursing00-44a new course, new track, UWUCC App-4/17/01, Senate App-5/01/01
NURS 334 Transitions in Professional Nursing, approved 4-29-1413-183a course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14
NURS 333 Maternal-Neonatal Health Clinical10-24n new course, UWUCC AP-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 333 Maternal-Neonatal Health Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69l course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 332 Maternal-Neonatal Health10-24m new course, UWUCC App-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 332 Maternal-Neonatal Health, approved 2-26-1312-69k course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 331 Care of the Child Clinical10-24l new course, UWUCC AP-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 331 Care of the Child and Family Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69j course revision, course title change (was Care of the Child Clinical), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 330 Care of the Child10-24k new course, UWUCC App-9/28/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 330 Care of the Child and Family, approved 2-26-1312-69i course revision, course title change (was Care of the Child), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 316 Research Utilization in Nursing00-32f new course, UWUCC App-2/13/01, Senate App-2/27/01
12-69h course revision, course title change (was Research Utilization in Nursing), catalog description change LSC AP-12/6/12, UWUCC App-2/19/13, Senate App-3/26/13
NURS 312 Professional Nursing II, approved 2-27-1000-32e new course, UWUCC App-2/13/01, Senate App-2/27/01
NURS 312 Professional Nursing II, approved 11-2-1010-24q course revision, UWUCC App-10/12/10, Senate App-11/2/10
NURS 312 Professional Nursing, approved 3-26-1312-69g course revision, course title change (was Professional Nursing II), catalog description change
NU 310 Nursing Seminar II94-86c course deletion, UWUCC App-4/11/95, Senate App-5/02/95
NURS 306 Problem Solving in Nursing01-67 new course, UWUCC App-4/3/02, Senate App-9/3/02
NURS 306 Problem Solving in Nursing, distance education12-44a distance education, UWUCC AP-10/2/12, Senate Info-11/6/12
NU 302 Core I, NU 303 Clinical Lab I, NU 322 MR Wellness I00-32r course deletions, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01Â
94-86b course deletion, UWUCC App-4/11/95, Senate App-5/02/95
NU 280 Intro to Nursing, NU 285 Intro to Clinical00-32q course deletions, UWUCC App-2-13-01, Senate App-2-27-01
00-32d new course, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-2/27/01
12-69f course revision, course title change (was Foundations in Nursing), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 236 Fundamentals II Theory, approved 4-28-1514-146i catalog description change, course revision-modify prerequisites, UWUCC App-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
NURS 214 Health Assessment12-69e course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 214 Health Assessment, approved 4-28-1514-146h catalog description change, course revision-modify prerequisites, UWUCC App-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
NURS 213 Nursing Practice II, approved 2-27-0100-32c new course, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-2/27/01
12-69d course revision, course title change (was Nursing Practice II), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 213 Fundamentals II Clinical, approved 4-28-1514-146g course revision, catalog description change, modify prerequisites, UWUCC App-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
NURS 212 Professional Nursing I, approved 2-27-0100-32b new course, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-2/27/01
07-35b course revision, UWUCC AP-1/22/08, Senate App-2/26/08
NURS 212 Fundamentals I Theory, approved 2-26-1312-69c course revision, course title change (was Professional Nursing I), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 212 Fundamentals I Theory, approved 4-28-1514-146f course revision, modify prerequisite, UWUCC AP-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
NURS 211 Nursing Practice I00-32a new course, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-2/27/01
NURS 211 Fundamentals I Clinical, approved 2-26-1312-69b course revision, course title change (was Nursing Practice I), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/12/13, Senate App-2/26/13
NURS 211 Fundamentals I Clinical, approved 4-28-1514-146e course revision, catalog description change, modify prerequisite, UWUCC App-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
NURS 202 Foundations of Child Health01-60 new course, UWUCC App-4/23/02, Senate App-5/7/02
NURS 202 Foundations of Child Health, distance ed, Info 12-1-1515-69 distance education, UWUCC App-10/27/15, Senate Info- 12/1/15
NURS 143 Healthy People, denied 4-16-0201-48 new course, UWUCC Denied-4-16-02
FDNT, HPED, NURS 143 Nutrition and Wellness06-12 catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/26/06, Senate App-10/10/06
NURS 143 Healthy People, approved 11-4-0303-10 new course, UWUCC App-10/14/03, Senate App-11/4/03
NURS 143 Healthy People, distance education09-29 UWUCC AP-9/29/09, Senate Info. 11/3/09
NURS 143 Healthy People - Promoting Wellness, approved 5-1-1211-130 course revision, course title change (was Healthy People), catalog description change, UWUCC App-4-10-12, Senate App-5-1-12
NURS 102 Disaster Preparedness and Related Health Issues, approved 3-25-1413-117a new course, UWUCC App-2/18/14, Senate App-3/25/14
NURS 102 Disaster Preparedness and Related Health Issues, distance education,16-5 distance education, UWUCC App-9/6/16, Senate App-10/4/16
05-51 new course, UWUCC App-3/21/06, Senate App-5/2/06