Connie Sutton, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 5-4-95

Includes syllabus GS 342 Stellar Astronomy

Darlene Richardson, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 11-29-90

LSC# 26 Includes syllabus GS 361 Physical Oceanography

Jonathan C_ Lewis, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 8-31-06

LSC# WI-259 Includes syllabus for GEOS 362 Plate Techtonics

Jonathan C_ Lewis, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-184a Writing Intensive - Type I Professor Recommitment, LSC App-3/27/14, UWUCC App-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

Steve Hovan, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 2-29-96

LSC# 172 Includes syllabus for GS 362 Plate Tectonics

Steven A_ Hovan, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-184b Writing Intensive - Type I Professor Recommitment, LSC App-3/27/14, UWUCC App-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

Frank Hall, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 7-12-93

LSC# 141 Includes syllabus for GS 326 Field Geology

Kenneth Coles, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 11-16-07

Includes syllabus for GEOS 342 Stellar Astronomy

Kenneth S_ Coles, Geoscience, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-25-14

13-141 Type I Writing Intensive, Professor Commitment, Kenneth S. Coles, Geoscience, LSC App-2/20/14, UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14

Minor in Geology, Minor in Geoscience, BS Geology, BS Environmental Geoscience, BS Earth & Space Science, BSED General Science Education

95-40 program revision, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

Minor in Geoscience

00-48 program deletion, UWUCC App-1/23/01, Senate App-4/03/01

Minor in Geology, from 1986 archives

86-2 program revision

Minor in Geology, approved 2-24-09

08-8d program revision, UWUCC App-2/10/09, Senate App-2/24/09

Honors Program in Geoscience

05-3 program revision, UWUCC Withdrawn-10/6/05

General Science Education, approved 4-29-03

02-84 program revision, UWUCC App-3/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03

General Science Education, approved 12-4-07

07-27 place into moratorium, UWUCC App-11/13/07, Senate Info.-12/4/07

BSED Earth and Space Science Education, approved 5-5-98

97-53 program revision, UWUCC App-4/14/98, Senate App-5/05/98

BSED Earth and Space Science, withdrawn 2-25-03

02-8 progrma revision, UWUCC Withdrawn-2/25/03

BSED Earth and Space Science, approved 4-29-03

02-82 program revision, UWUCC App-4/15/03, Senate App-4/29/03

BSED Earth and Space Science, approved 2-24-09

08-8c program revision, UWUCC App-2/10/09, Senate App-2/24/09

BSED Earth and Space Science, approved 11-6-12

12-19 program revision, UWUCC AP-8/28/12, Senate App-11/6/12

BS Environmental Geoscience

89-5 program revision (includes program title change was B.S. in Geoscience)

BS Environmental Geoscience, approved 3-1-94

93-8 program revision, UWUCC App-12/14/93, Senate App-3/01/94

BS Environmental Geoscience, approved 2-1-00

99-14b program revision, UWUCC App-10/19/99, Senate App-2/01/00

BS Environmental Geoscience, approved 2-26-02

01-19c program deletion, UWUCC App-2/5/02, Senate App-2/26/02

BS Geology - Geology Track, approved 4-1-03

02-58 program revision, UWUCC App-2/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

BS Geology - Energy Resources Track, approved 12-2-14 and 3-31-15

14-97l  program revision, UWUCC AP-11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14 & 3/31/15

BS Geology - Geology Track, approved 2-24-09

08-8a program revision, UWUCC App-2/10/09, Senate App-2/24/09

BS Geology - Geology Track, approved 4-19-11

10-58b program revision, UWUCC App-4/5/11, Senate App-4/19/11

BS Geology - Geology Track, approved 3-20-12

11-69a program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12

BS Geology - Geology Track and BSED Earth and Space Science, approved 4-29-14

13-196 program revisions, Biology Fast Track, UWUCC App-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

BS Geology - Geology Track, approved 12-2-14

14-97j program revision, UWUCC AP-11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14

BS Geology - Environmental Track, approved 4-1-03

02-59 program revision, UWUCC App-2/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

BS Geology - Environmental Track, approved 2-24-09

08-8b program revision, UWUCC App-2/10/09, Senate App-2/24/09

BS Geology - Environmental Track, approved 4-19-11

10-58c program revision, UWUCC App-4/5/11, Senate App-4/19/11

BS Geology - Environmental Track, approved 3-20-12

11-69b program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/30/12

BS Geology - Energy Resources Track, approved 4-19-11

10-58a new track, UWUCC App-4/5/11, Senate App-4/19/11

BS Geology - Energy Resources Track, approved 3-20-12

11-69c program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12

BS Geology, approved 3-1-94

93-9 program revision, UWUCC App-12/14/93, Senate App-3/01/94

BS Geology, approved 2-1-00

99-14a program revision, UWUCC App-10/19/99, Senate App-2/01/00

BS Geology, approved 2-26-02

01-19b program revision, UWUCC App-2/5/02, Senate App-2/26/02

BS Geology - Environmental Track, approved 12-2-14

14-97k program revision, UWUCC App-11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14

XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)

90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91

SCI 117 Chemistry for Everyone Laboratory

12-20b new course, UWUCC App-2/5/13, Senate App-2/26/13

SCI 107 Chemistry for Everyone

12-20a new course, UWUCC App-2/5/13, Senate App-2/26/13

SC 103 Earth and Space Science, 1991 archives

91-49 new course

SCI 103 Fundamentals of Earth and Space Science, approved 11-8-11

11-48 catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/25/11, Senate App-11/8/11

SCI 103 Fundamentals of Earth and Space Science, approved 4-29-14

13-151 course revision, catalog description change, LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC AP-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

GS 493 Geoscience Internship, 1992 archives

92-24 course revision, catalog description change

GS 493 Geoscience Internship, approved 12-7-93

93-10 course revision, UWUCC App-9/28/93, Senate App-12/07/93

GEOS 490 Field Studies in Geology, approved 12/2/14

14-97i new course, UWUCC App-11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GS 481 NASA and the Internet, distance education

2000 Archives

GS 480 Seminar

99-14c course revision, UWUCC App-10/19/99, Senate App-2/01/00

GEOS 480 Geoscience Seminar

08-7tt course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 470 Research Methods in the Geosciences

08-7ss was GEOS 380, course number change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 440 Subsurface Geology

08-7rr course deletion, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 409 Geology of Shale Gas - Field Workshop, approved 10-6-15

15-28c new course, UWUCC AP-8/25/15, Senate App-10/6/15

GEOS 408 Carbonate Geology Field Workshop

08-7qq course number and title change (was GEOS 441 Carbonate Geology-Florida), catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 407 Carbonate Geology Seminar

08-7pp new course, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 406 American Southwest Field Workshop

08-7oo was GEOS 338 Geology of the American Southwest, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 405 American Southwest Seminar

08-7nn new course, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 404 Newfoundland Field Workshop

08-7mm was GEOS 337 Geology of Newfoundland, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, App-2/24/09

GEOS 403 Newfoundland Seminar

08-7ll new course, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 402 Northern Rockies Field Workshop

08-7kk was GEOS 336 Geology of the Northern Rockies, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 401 Northern Rockies Seminar

08-7jj new course, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 380 Research Techniques in Geoscience

95-41 new course, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 380 Research Methods in the Geosciences

00-38d course revision, course title change (was Research Techniques in Geoscience), UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-1/30/01

GEOS 371 Meteorology

08-7ii was Meteorology I, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/3/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 371 Meteorology I, 1-14-03

02-7 course revision, UWUCC Withdrawn-1/14/03

GEOS 370 Oceanography

08-7hh was GEOS 361 Physical Oceanography, course revision, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/3/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 363 Volcanology, approved 12-2-14

14-97h new course, UWUCC App-11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GS 362 Plate Tectonics

87-7d title change (was Marine Geology & Plate Tectonics), description change

GEOS 362 Plate Tectonics, approved 12-2-14

14-97g course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GEOS 356 Coastal Processes and Geology

12-99 new course, UWUCC App-3/12/13, Senate App-3/26/13

GEOS 355 Sedimentary Petrology

08-7gg course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 355 Sedimentary Petrology, approved 12-2-14

14-97f course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GEOS 354 Geomorphology

08-7ff was GEOS 327, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 354 Gemorphology, approved 12-2-14

14-97e course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GEOS 353 Paleontology

08-7ee course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/3/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 352 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy

08-7dd was GEOS 412 Stratigraphy, course revision, course number and title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 350 Operation of the Planetarium

08-7bb course deletion, UWUCC 10/14/08, UWUXX App-2/24/09

GEOS 345 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, approved 12-2-14

14-97d new course, UWUCC App 11/11/14, Senate App 12/2/14

GEOS 342 Stellar Astronomy

08-7aa course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/3/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 342 Stellar Astronomy, approved 4-29-14

13-180 catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

GEOS 341 Planetary Geology

08-7z was GEOX 341, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/3/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 338 Geology of the American Southwest

91-46 new course

GS 337 Geology of Newfoundland

95-29 new course, UWUCC App-10/10/95, Senate App-11/07/95

GS 336 Geology of the Northern Rockies, GS 337 Geology of Newfoundland, GS 338 Geology of the American Southwest

99-14d course revision, UWUCC App-10/19/99, Senate App-2/01/00

GEOS 324 Geology of Oil and Gas

10-58d new course, UWUCC App-4/5/11, Senate App-4/19/11

GEOS 333 Soils and Soil Geochemistry

04-37 new course, UWUCC App-3/22/05, Senate App-4/26/05 & 10/4/05

GS 332 Geochemistry

87-7c new course

GS 331 Hydrogeology

87-7b new course

GS 326 Field Geology

92-13 title change (was Structural-Field Geology II), catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/07/92, Senate App-2/02/93

GS 325 Structural Geology

92-12 title change (was Structural-Field Geology I), catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/07/92, Senate App-2/02/93

GEOS 323 Geophysics

10-58e new course, UWUCC 4/5/11, Senate App-4/19/11

GEOS 320 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, approved 1-30-01

00-38c course revision, course number change (was GEOS 322), UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-1/30/01

GEOS 320 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, approved 2-24-09

08-7y course deletion, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 313 Soils and Soil Geochemistry

08-7x was GEOS 333, course number change, catalog description change

GEOS 312 Hydrogeology

08-7w was GEOS 331, course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 312 Hydrogeology, approved 12-2-14

14-97c course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GEOS 311 Geochemistry

08-7v course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 310 Environmental Geology

87-7a new course

GEOS 310 Environmental Geology

08-7u course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 303 Field Geology

08-7t was GEOS 326, course revision, course number change, catalog description change

GEOS 302 Structural Geology

08-7s was GEOS 325, course revision, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 301 Mineralogy and Petrology

08-7r new course, UWUCC App-10/14/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 301 Mineralogy, approved 12/2/14

14-97b course revision, course title change (was Mineralogy & Petrology), UWUCC App-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GEOS 254 Exploration of Space

07-28 new course, UWUCC App-11/27/07, Senate App-1/29/08

GEOS 253 Forensic Geology

08-7q was GEOS 226, course number change, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 252 Physical Resources of the Earth

08-7p was GEOS 221, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 250 Geology of National Parks

08-7n was GEOS 150, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 226 Forensic Geology

05-25 new course, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate App-2/28/06

GS 221 Physical Resources of the Earth

89-9 new course, Non-lab LSC App-6/21/89

GEOS 220 Mineralogy, approved 4-03-01

00/47a course revision, course number change (was GEOS 321), UWUCC App-3/20/01, Senate App-4/03/01

GEOS 220 Mineralogy, approved 2-24-09

08-7m course deletion, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 204 Historical Geology, approved 12/2/14

14-97a course number change (was GEOS 351), course revision, LSC App-11/7/14, UWUCC App-11/11/14, Senate App-12/2/14

GEOS 203 Surficial Processes, approved 2-24-09

08-7l new course, UWUCC App-1/29/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 203 Surficial Processes, approved 3-26-13

12-76b course revision, LSC AP-1/31/12, UWUCC App-2/19/13, Senate App-3/26/13

GEOS 202 Quantitative Methods in the Geosciences

08-7k new course, UWUCC App- 1/29/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 201 Foundations of Geology, approved 2-24-09

08-7j new course, UWUCC App-1/29/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 201 Foundations of Geology, approved 5-1-12

11-156 course revision, UWUCC AP-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12

GEOS 154 Human Exploration of Space

 09-59e course number and title change (was GEOS 254 Exploration of Space), UWUCC 4/1/10, Senate App-4/20/10

GEOS 154 Human Exploration of Space, approved 2-26-13

12-76a course revision, UWUCC App-2/5/13, Senate App-2/26/13

GEOS 153 Forensic Geology

 09-59d course number change (was GEOS 253, UWUCC 4/1/10, Senate App-4/20/10

GEOS 153 Forensic Geology, approved 12-3-13 and 11-4-14

13-94 Removed from the Liberal Studies Elective & NS Non-lab categories, UWUCC App-11/12/13, Senate App-12/3/13 and 11/4/14

GEOS 152 Physical Resources of the Earth, approved 4-20-10

 09-59c course number change (was GEOS 252), UWUCC 4/1/10, Senate App-4/20/10

GEOS 152 Physical Resources of the Earth, approved 9-11-12

11-123d course revision, UWUCC AP-4/3/12, Senate App-9/11/12

GS 151 The Age of Dinosaurs

90-26 new course, liberal studies approved-11/08/90

GEOS 151 The Age of Dinosaurs, approved 2-24-09

08-7o was GEOS 151, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 151 The Age of Dinosaurs,approved 4-20-10

09-59b course number change (was GEOS 251), UWUCC 4/1/10, Senate App-4/20/10

GEOS 151 Age of Dinosaurs

11-147 course revision, UWUCC AP-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12

GS 150 Geology of National Parks

90-27 new course, liberal studies approved-11/08/90

GEOS 150 Geology of National Parks, approved 4-20-10

 09-59a course number change (was GEOS 250), UWUCC 4/1/10, Senate App-4/20/10

GEOS 150 Geology of National Parks, approved 11-6-12

12-25c course revision, UWUCC App-10/23/12, Senate App-11/6/12

GEOS 150 Geology of the National Parks, Info 2-2-16

15-90 UWUCC App-1/19/16, Senate Info- 2/2/16

GS 141 Introduction to Ocean Science

89-37 new course

GEOS 141 Introduction to Ocean Science

08-7i course deletion, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 132 Historical Geology Lab

95-40c course deletion, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 132 Historical Geology Lab, approved 4-03-01

00-47c course revision, UWUCC App-3/13/01, Senate App-4/03/01

GEOS 132 Historical Geology Lab, approved 2-24-09

08-7h course deletion, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 131 Historical Geolog & GS 132 Historical Geology Lab

95-40e course revision, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 131 Historical Geology

00-47b course revision, UWUCC App-3/13/01, Senate App-4/03/01

GEOS 123 Applied Mathematics in the Geosciences, approved 1-30-01

00-38b new course, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-1/30/01

GEOS 123 Applied Mathematics in Geoscience, approved 2-24-09

08-7g course deletion, UWUCC App-9/30/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 122 Physical Geology Lab

95-40b course deletion, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 122 Physical Geology Lab, approved 1-30-01

00-38e course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/09/00, Senate App-1/30/01

GEOS 122 Physical Geology Lab, approved 2-24-09

08-7f course deletion, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 121 Physical Geology, approved 1-30-01

00-38a course revision, UWUCC App-12/19/00, Senate App-1/30/01

GS 121 Physical Geology & GS 122 Physical Geology Lab, approved 2-6-06

95-40d course revision, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GS 121-122-123 Physical Geology & GS 131-132-133 Historical Geology


GEOS 121 Physical Geology, approved 2-24-09

98-7e course deletion, UWUCC App-9/30/08, Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 119 Geology of Energy Resources, approved 10-6-15

15-28a new course, LSC AP-8/27/15, UWUCC AP-9/1/15, Senate App-10/6/15

GEOS 119 Geology of Energy Resources, distance education

15-28b UWUCC AP-9/1/15, Senate Info-10/6/15

GEOS 114 Earth Science for Educators II Lab

08-7d course deletion, UWUCC App-1/29/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 113 Earth Science for Educators II & GS 114 Earth Science for Educators II Lab

95-40g course revision, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 113 Earth Science for Educators II

08-7c course deletion, UWUCC App-1/29/09 Senate App-2/24/09

GEOS 112 Earth Science for Educators I Lab

08-7b course deletion, UWUCC App-1/29/09. Senate App-2/24/09

GS 111 Earth Science for Educators I & GS 112 Earth Science for Educators I Lab

95-40f course revision, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 111 Earth Science for Educators I

08-7a course deletion, UWUCC AP-1/29/09, Senate App-2/24/09

GS 110 General Astronomy (1988 archives)


GS 110 General Astronomy, approved 2-6-96

95-40a course deletion, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 106 Exploring the Universe Lab

12-76d course revision, UWUCC App-2/5/13, Senate App-2/26/13

GS 105 Exploring the Universe-106 Exploring the Universe Lab

95-40j new course, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 105 Exploring the Universe

12-76c course revision, LSC AP-1/31/13, UWUCC AP-2/19/13, Senate App-3/26/13

GEOS 104 Oceans and Atmospheres Lab

11-123c course revision, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/02

GS 103 Oceans and Atmospheres, GS 104 Oceans and Atmospheres Lab

95-40i new course, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 103 Oceans and Atmospheres, Distance Education

04-35 UWUCC App011/30/04, Senate Info.-2/1/05

GEOS 103 Oceans and Atmospheres Lecture

11-123b course revision, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/12

GEOS 102 The Dynamic Earth

12-25b course revision, LSC App-9/13/12, UWUCC AP-10/16/12, Senate App-11/6/12

GEOS 102 The Dynamic Earth Lab and GEOS 106 Exploring the Universe Lab, approved 4-29-14

13-216 catalog description change, LSC App-4/21/14, UWUCC App-4/15/14, Senate App-4/29/14

GE 101-104 Earth Science

LS-7 Natural Science Lab and Non-Lab, LSC App-12/8/88

GS 101 The Dynamic Earth, distance education

2000 Archives

GS 101 The Dynamic Earth-GS 102 The Dynamic Earth Lab

95-40h new course, UWUCC App-12/12/95, Senate App-2/06/96

GEOS 101 The Dynamic Earth

12-25a course revision, UWUCC App-10/16/12, Senate App-11/6/12