Eberly College of Business and Information Technology
Dean's Award for Excellence
- Chioma C. Umunnakwe
“Ethiopia's Underdevelopment: Rising Beyond Missed Opportunities”
Business Case Competition First Place Award
- Sara Fossett, Sarah DuFresne, Nicholas Distefano, and Nicholas Magas
“Google's Strategy in 2010”
Business Case Competition Second Place Award
- Jessica Black and Kathryn Boretky
“Case Study on Google”
College of Education and Educational Technology
Dean's Award for Excellence
- Mary Cristello
“Bilingualism and Its Impact on Education”
Outstanding Presentation Award
- Amy E. Paine
“Are All Women Emotional: A Portrayal of Women in Reality TV”
College of Fine Arts
Dean's Award for Excellence
- Nicole A Reinaker
“Tracing Gothic Architectural Developments: An Iconographic Exploration of Chartres Cathedral's South Transept”
Best Poster Award
- Lindsey Grove
“Dance it, Move it, Learn It: Creating an Interdisciplinary Classroom”
Best Performance Award
- Brent Roberts
“Exploring music of the Marimba/Vibraphone Duo”
Outstanding Performance Award
- Dakota J Kaylor
“The Method to Performing in the Style of Jazz Vibraphone”
Outstanding Presentation Awards
- Chelsea K. Long
“EԲپDzԲ” - J. M. Wasko
“Civil War! Dissolution of the Self in Researching the War of the Rebellion in Contemporary Art”
Juried Art Exhibit Awards
Best in Show: Ben Pyles, “Planet Ruckus”
- Dean's Award: Nicole Gencarelli, “Howl”
- 2-D Award for Excellence: Lim, “Who Sucks?”
- 3-D Award for Excellence: Britni Rajter, “By-Product”
- Honorable Mention 1: Chelsea McDonnell, “Germination”
- Honorable Mention 2: Kathryn Garnier, “Pendant”
- Honorable Mention 3: Chelsea Long, “Fig.9 The Drunkenness of Noah”
College of Health and Human Services
Dean's Award for Excellence
- Christina J. Sponsky
“Perceptions vs. Misconceptions: What are the Ģtv students' perceptions and beliefs regarding dietary supplements safety, efficacy, and regulation policies?”
Best Poster Award
- Cody Krynock and Franklinn Alexander|
“Slapshot Speeds and the Variables that Affect Them”
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean's Award for Excellence
- Aaron K. Shaffer
“The Urban Drainage Problem: Effects of New Development and Redevelopment on Local Hydrology”
Best Poster Award
- Michele Troutman
“Lithic Analysis: The raw Materials Present in the Lithic Artifacts of the Johnston Site (36ln2)”
Outstanding Presentation Awards
- Ashley Alt and Daniel Oberkofler
“The Effects of Power, Prestige and Performance on Salary in the National Hockey League”
Nicholas R Fazio
- “Crime and Coffee: The Correlation between Gentrification and Crime Rates in Pittsburgh, 1991 to 2011”
Gabrielle R. Lehigh
- “Cultural Study of the Homer City Power Plant”
Wenjing Yun
- “The Determinants of China's Economic Development”
Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Dean's Award for Excellence
- Sarah Bedwell
“Effects of Trauma Exposure on Personality Variables, Self-esteem, Coping, and Psychological Outcomes”
Best Poster Award (three-way tie)
- Samantha Eichelberger
“Analysis of the zebrafish lhx1a Gene, a Transcription Factor Important for Kidney Development and Regeneration” - Kellie Kerner
“Sedimentological Analysis of the Black River Bay” - William Watkins
“Small-Scale Folding Related to Detachment Tectonics - Northern Snake Range, NV”
Outstanding Presentation Award
- Wendy Leuenberger
“A comparison of Lepidoptera communities inhabiting restored and degraded pitch pine-scrub oak barrens in Pennsylvania”
ECO Award Winners
- Kelly, Muthler, Chloe Stevens, Bryana Urban, Sean Herald, Gabrielle Lehigh, Kathryn Edmondson, Katherine Fox
“Sustainable Indiana”
Sigma Xi and S-COAM Award Winners
Sigma Xi Award for Best Science Poster, First Place
- Samantha Eichelberger
“Analysis of the zebrafish 1hx1a Gene, a Transcription Factor Important for Kidney Development and Regeneration”
Sigma Xi Award for Best Science Poster, Second Place
- Daniel O'Hara
“Bootstraps and Planar Regression: An Algorithm to Identify Possible Faults Using Background Seismicity”
Sigma Xi Award for Best Science Poster, Third Place
- Joy Kiefer
“Species Diversity of the triolobite Genus Paraplethopeltis in the Manitou Formation of Colorado and El Paso Group of New Mexico”
S-Coam Best Computational Science Poster
- Teresa Dierks
“Resonance-Assisted Hydrogen Bonding (RAHB) in Carboxyphosphate”
Best Bibliography Award Winners
First Place
- Camille Kaszubowski
Second Place
- Barbara Yockey
Third Place
- Carrie Aitkins
College of Education and Educational Technology
Dean's Award (First Place)
Student: Michael J. Boneshefski
Advisor: Joseph Kovaleski
Paper Title: “Rate of Improvement Projections: An Aid to Special Education Decision-Making”
Second Place
Student: Shannon M Phillips-Shyrock
Advisor: Laura Strong
Paper Title: “Cyberbullying in Middle Schools: Students', Educators', and Parents' Perspectives”
Third Place
Student: Dottie J. Morgan
Advisor: Lisa Price
Paper Title: “Efficacy of Color and Spatial Cues for Augmentive and Alternative Communication Boards”
Fourth Place
Student: Huachuan Wen
Advisor: Kelli Paquette
Paper Title: “EFL Learners' Self-Efficacy and Their English Writing Performances”
Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Dean's Award (First Place)
Student: Stephanie Moon
Advisor: Jeffrey Larkin
Paper Title: “Comparison of Lepidoptera Density Between Native and Non-Native Shrub Species”
Second Place
Student: Amber Nolder
Advisor: Joseph Duchamp
Paper Title: “Bat Response to Oak Regeneration Silviculture”
Third Place
Student: Ethan Cullen
Advisor: Tim Nuttle and Joseph Duchamp
Paper Title: “Impacts of Historic Deer Browse on Present Insectivorous Forest Songbird Communities in the Allegheny National Forest”
College of Health and Human Services
Dean's Award (First Place)
Student:Paul Hawkins and Robert P Stallings
Advisor: Bitna Kim
Paper Title: “What's the Score? Exploring Criminal Arrest Rates of the MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL from 2000-2012”
Second Place
Student: Kyle C Ward
Advisor: Jennifer Roberts
Paper Title: “Rural and Urban College Students' Perceptions of Released Offenders: Does Location Matter?”
Third Place
Student: Christina L Silvia
Advisor: Teresa Shellenbarger
Paper Title: “Success After Failure: A Case Study Approach”
Fourth Place
Student: Jeffrey J Roth
Advisor: Jennifer Roberts
Paper Title: “An Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Target Choices of Residential Burglars”
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean's Award (First Place)
Student: Janelle L Newman
Advisor: Gloria Park
Paper Title: “Improving Home-School Partnerships with English Language Learning Families”
Second Place
Student: Alexander W Hall
Advisor: John Benhart
Paper Title: “Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale gas Development”
Third Place
Student: Stefanie M. Smith and Ryan Spittler
Advisor: Sarah Neusisu
Paper Title: “An Analysis of Johnstown Site (36IN02) Secondary Zooarchaeological Data and Second-Order Taphonomic Processes”
Fourth Place
Student: Matthew D Howryla, Victoria W Harding, and Adam Burke
Advisor: Sarah Neusius
Paper Title: “Cultural Modification of Bone at the Johnstown Site (36IN0002)”
College of Fine Arts
Juried Art Exhibit
Dean's Award
Student: Peter Mullen
Project: Aluminum Pool
Juror's Choice Award
Student: Crystal Miller
Project: Sombrero de Fruit y Fur