Outstanding Paper Presentation Awards

Stephanie Bearjar
Department of Economics
“Income Inequality and Population Growth Rates: An Analysis of Post-Industrial Europe”

Jesse Brown
Department of Art
“Man of the House: Domestic Masculinity”

Vernon Brundage
Department of Economics
“Downfall or Difference? Examining the Role of Parents/Guardians in the Success of African-American Students‟ Pursuit of Higher Education”

Matthew Celestin
Department of Criminology
“Brazil: Road to Economic Development”

Jennifer DeAngelis
Department of Professional Studies in Education
“Anti-Bias Curriculum: Alleviating the Test Gap”

Tara Friedl
Department of Journalism
“If a Bias Exists Against Women in Sports Media, How Do We Change It?

Brandon Gomez
Department of Communications Media
“y r Ģtv stdnts using txt msging? A Study of the Dynamics of Text Messaging”

Meghan Heasley
Department of English
“God‟s Right to the First Born Son: The Sacrifices of Isaac and Jesus”

Quiana Lightner
Department of Anthropology
“The Educational Plight of Blacks and Latinos at Ģtv”

Thomas Melvin
Department of Biology
“Gauging the Nature of Science for Non-Science Majors”

Dragomir Milanovic
Department of Biochemistry
“The Srs2 Protein Expression Using the pET11c Expression vector in the BL21 (DE3) Bacterial Protein Expression Strain of Escherichia coli”

Elizabeth Morisky and Andrew Thompson
Various Departments
“Strengthening the Foundations: The PACT Program and Teacher Education”

Sarah Morrow
Department of Theater and Dance
“Theatre Culture in Film”

Alicia Rich
Department of Anthropology
“Fission-Fusion in Captive Western Lowland Gorillas”

Christopher Stefanides
Department of Sociology
“Outdoor Recreational Activities impact on Self Concept”

Ashley Talley
Department of History
“The PACT Program in Practice”

Kyle Walters
Department of Criminology
“Are You In or Out? The Upper-Class Student Perceptions of Hazing”

Caitlin Williamson and Peter Stonehouse
Department of Chemistry
“Calcium Tungstate: A Convenient Recoverable Catalyst for Hydropgen Peroxide Oxidation”

Bridget Young
Department of Religious Studies
“Precious Blood Spilled in Desperation: The Sacrifice of Kings and Elite Members of Society”

Matthew Buecker, Benjamin Diehl, Derek Lambert, Christopher Makely, Katie Morgan
Department of Communications Media
“Lingering Questions: The Fairness Doctrine and Presidential Campaigns in Western Pennsylvania”

Honorable Mention for Paper Presentations

Kelly Andrews
Department of Journalism
“American Literature Anthologies: The Missing Minority Writers in the College Classroom

Jessica Brown
Department of Journalism
“Facebook and Public Relations”

Michael Browne

Department of Sociology
“A Qualitative Approach to Presentation of Self and Student Activism”

Jonathan Crowley
Department of History
“The History Beneath Our Feet”

Kyla Groat
Department of Art
“Ushabt: An Analysis of an E-bay Antiquity”

Marissa Michael
Department of English “PACT and the Beginning Teacher”

Rachel Umbel
Department of Physics
“The CEMA Approximation Extended to Ultrathin 3-Layer Structures”

David Shellem
Department of Sociology
“How Connected are You? Networking and Discrimination within Greek Organizations”

Jason Shirey
Department of Art
“The „Green‟ in Design”

Best Poster Awards

Kyle Allshouse, Emmanual Johnson and Michael Stewart
College of Health and Human Services
“Proactive Police Crime Control: The Use of „Hot Spots‟”

Jessica Develin
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
“Surface Decoration Analysis of 2008 Johnstown Site Excavation”

Tracy Fisher
College of Education and Educational Technology
“Thinking Hats and Accountable Talk”

Joseph Rocco
Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
“Induction and Modulation of Host Murine Toll-like Receptor-2 (TLR2) and Cytokine Responses on Infection with Different Mycobacterium avium serovars and their ssGPL Mutants”

Patricia Tolu-Ajayi
Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
“Effects of Temperature on the Ability of Tamoxifen to Induce Breast Cancer Cells to Behave More Like Normal Cells”

Jessica Sabol
College of Fine Arts
“Violet Sharp: An Experience in New Play Dramaturgy”

Best Performance Award

Nicholas Berninger
Department of Music
The Trombone: “George Christoph Wagenseil and his Concerto for Alto Trombone”

Business Case Competition

Alyssa Shubra, Joseph Pelland, Tabitha Yagle, Amanda Frenchik and Zachary Morrow
Eberly College of Business and Information Technology
“Competition in Video Game Consoles”

Best Bibliography Awards from Ģtv Libraries

Danielle Bothelo, Amy Devlin, Brittany Fuller, Quiana Lightner, Jessica Sabol, Patricia Tolu-Ajayai , Domanique Williams

Undergraduate Juried Art Exhibit Awards

Michael Frederick
The Dean's Choice Award
“Self Portrait on a Bicycle”

Joshua Kosker
Honorable Mention “Creamer #33”

Katie Lind and Jamie Zbrzezny
The Faculty Choice Award “Expel”

Aaron Treher
The Kipp Gallery Award of Excellence
“Getting There, Being There, Going Away”

Sigma Xi Best Science Poster Awards

First Place: Christina Ritter and Ashley Hague, Department of Geoscience
“ODP Eastern Equatorial Pacific Leg 138: Eolian Dust Provides Insight into Past and Future Climatic Conditions”

Second Place: Joseph Rocco, Department of Biology
“Induction and Modulation of Host Murine Toll-like Receptor-2 (TLR2) and Cytokine Responses on Infection with Different Mycobacterium avium serovars and their ssGPL Mutants”

Third Place: Stephanie Yarup and Brittany Viens, Department of Psychology
“Study Skills Test Development”