First Undergraduate Scholars Conference, April 4, 2006
Best Paper Award ($300): Stephanie Perkovich, Factoring Finance Into Film: A Study of Box Office Revenue in the Motion Picture Industry. Economics Department; Dr. James Jozefowicz, faculty advisor.
Honorable Mention: Paper Award ($100): Sharon Layton (Ä¢¹½tv McNair Scholar), The Effects of Multiple Method Learning in Secondary Language Acquisition. Psychology Department; Dr. Kimberely Husenits, faculty advisor.
Honorable Mention: Paper Award ($100): Gina Russo, The Presentation of Ritualistic Hunting of the Qianlong Emperor through Painting. History Department; Dr. Alan Baumler, faculty advisor.
Best Poster Award ($300): Stereotype Threat Increases Bias in the Police Officers' Dilemma Task. Sheila Ayebo, Jeff Boarts, Patrick Clark, Amanda Craig, Courtney Driskel, Sarah Heck, Sarah Hogue, Rebecca Hoover, Alanna Lowe, Erin Mitchell, Karen Moser, Timothy Rainey, Pernell Taylor, Stacy Thomas and Lisa Vinnacombe. Multidisciplinary; Dr. Cora Lou Sherburne, faculty advisor.
Honorable Mention: Poster Award ($100): Effective Practices in Urban Education. Rachel Sams and Catherine Kelli Moreno. Elementary Education Department; Dr. James Gibson; faculty advisor.
Honorable Mention: Poster Award ($100): Development of a Peer Mentor Program as a Service Learning Requirement. Christine Coreale, Mary Anderson, Michelle Simko, Amanda Harrold, Sandra Stritmatter, Melanie Colgan, Keena Ressman, Danielle Berringer, and Kathleen Weymers. Nursing Department; Dr. Joann Thistlethwaite, faculty advisor.
University Libraries Best Bibliography Award ($300): Whitney Hampson, "To Wives and Mothers: Let's Go Shopping!" Consumerism and Middle-Class Women in Ladies' Home Journal, 1890-1929. History Department; Dr. Elizabeth Ricketts, faculty advisor.