
Eberly College of Business

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Anthony Maticic, Elam Gates, Maria Hoge, Alec Martin, and Seth Peterman
    “Chipotle Analysis”

College of Education and Educational Technology

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Mercedes Diehl
    “The Media Portrayal of Stonewall”

Outstanding Presentation Award

  • Justin Cobb
    “Portrayals of Refugees in the Stories of Broadcast News Media”

College of Fine Arts

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • William King
    “Samba: Its Influences and Impact”

Outstanding Presentation Award

  • Sydnee Elder
    “A Role for Facilitation in Theater”

College of Health and Human Services

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Abigail Hallmark, Shannon Lynch, and Charolette Dorsey
    “Cracking the Egg on Diabetes”

Outstanding Presentation Award

  • Jessica Talbot
    “Quality Improvement: Hand Hygiene Compliance in an Acute Setting”

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Zachary Harmon, Megan Bisi, Rahdira McPhail, and Maggie George
    “Recovery from the Outside: Perceptions of Social Bonds Regarding Addiction”

Outstanding Presentation Award

  • Jeremy Miller
    “Socio-economic Impacts of Gentrification: Case Study of Five Neighborhoods in the Atlanta Metropolitan”

Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Aaron Seidel
    “Application of Ground Penetrating Radar and Petrophysical Modeling to Investigate Methane Dynamics”

Outstanding Presentation Award

  • Joshua Shaffer, Mara Menk, Elisabeth Smith, and Christina Maziarz
    “Anithistamine induced weight gain and dopaminergic neurotransmission: Is there a link?”

ECO—Ecologically Conscious Organization

  • Jesse Stitt
    "Tropical Rainforest Destruction in Nigeria: Applying Remote Sensing Techniques to Measure Changes in Landscape Cover from 2002 to 2013"
  • Ian Dickie
    "Interpreting Stage-Discharge Response During Storm Events in Marsh Run, West Branch."

Ģtv Libraries Information Literacy Awards

  • Zachary S. Harmon, Maggie George, Megan Bisi, and Rahdirah McPhail
    "Recovery from the Outside: Perceptions of Social Bonds Regarding Addiction"
  • Travis Anderson
    "Testing and Comparing the Quick Change Orifice Well Tester"
  • Chevaen C. Dawson
    "Effects of Class Size on Students' Academic Performance"

Sigma Xi Awards

  • Christopher Volpe, Kalif Coates, Danielle Knight, Savannah Buday, and Micaela Roda
    “Perceptions of Drugs and Violence on Ģtv's Campus”
  • Jeffery Larkin
    “Long-term response of an eastern brook trout population to lime treatment in a stream impacted by acid mine drainage”
  • Jordan Treaster and Brandon Andrews
    “Land Use Index Maps to Assist in Reviving a Rapidly Aging Population”

S-COAM Best Computational Science Award

  • Tristan Burger
    “Heroin Use and the Crime Rate in Pennsylvania Modeled with OLS and SOM Analysis”

Student Government Association Peer Choice

  • Kiera Estes
    "Design, Synthesis, and Spectroscopic Studies of a Ru(II) Polypyridyl Complex Containing Bulky Ligands"
  • Jessica Talbot
    "Quality Improvement: Hand Hygiene Compliance in an Acute Setting"

Social Media

  • Mary Chey
  • Emily McAfoose


College of Education and Educational Technology

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Daniel Dieter
    “Man Optional: The Media Ecology of Robot A I”

Second Place

  • Keith Weible
    “Reliability of Automated Analysis of Laryngeal Diadochokinesis”

Third Place

  • Haylee Peace
    “Concurrent Validity of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory Implementation Measure”

College of Health and Human Services

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Cassie Smolic, Erin Smucker, Farnaz Sabetpour, and Katheryn Willey
    “Calcium Consumption and the Female College Athlete: Non-Dairy vs Dairy Calcium-Rich Sources”

Second Place

  • Lindsay Eckenrode, Thea Behm, Megan Prisk, Liza Walker, Anne Genereux, and Jaeyong Choi
    “Factors That Affect Bariatric Patient Food Choices When Eating Out”

Third Place

  • Jaeyong Choi
    “Media Consumption and Public Confidence in Policing

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Jared Divido
    “Testing the use and reliability of 3D Scanning Technology in the Construction of a Digital Comparative Faunal Bone Collection”

Second Place

  • Robert Matchett
    “Disability Inclusion Workshops: Steps towards Creating an Inclusive Community”

Third Place

  • Olivia Maderer
    “‘There and Back Again': The Historical Search for Home, Identity, and Humanity through Tolkien and Tennyson”

Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Dean's Award for Excellence: First Place Award

  • Derek Hanley
    “Graph Theory and the Double-Critical Graph Conjecture”

Second Place

  • Erich Hofmann
    “A Nonadaptive Radiation in a Complex of Highland Anoles (Dactyloidae)”

Third Place

  • Benjamin Gressler
    “Modeling Landscape Connectivity and Gene Flow of Fisher (Pekania Pennanti) in Pennsylvania”

Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

Judge's Award

  • Ingrid Krecko
    “The Circle of Sadness: Improving Children's Emotion Competence through the Film ‘Inside Out'”

Peer Choice Award

  • Terrance Hudson
    “Why Teach? What Motivates African American Males to Choose Careers in Teaching”

Graduate Student Assembly Peers Choice

  • Matthew Hassett
    "The Empirical Knowledge Base on the Concealed Carry of Firearms on Campus: A Systematic Review"
  • Haylee Peace
    "Concurrent Validity of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory Implementation Measure"

Social Media

  • Benjamin Martin
  • Matt Vanhorn