Eberly College of Business and Information Technology
- First Place Award in the Business Case Competition presented to:
Kurt Stridinger, Jamie Czech, and Vincent Hall
for their work on “Netflix's Business Model and Strategy in Renting Movies and TV Episodes” - Second Place Award in the Business Case Competition presented to:
Ryan Egan, Megan Morris, and Joshua Noble
for their work on “Redbox's Strategy in Movie Rental Industries”
College of Education and Educational Technology
- Best Poster Award in the College of Education and Educational Technology presented to:
Bridgett C. Ryan
for her poster on “The Language and Literacy Gap”
College of Fine Arts
- Best Performance Award presented to:
Angelica M. Dunsavage and Alexandria C. Hull
for their ballet, Marriage, Then Love Juried Art Exhibition
- First Place Award presented to:
Seth Barnes
for his work, “Receptary,” oil on canvas - Second Place Award presented to:
Kyla Groat
for her work, “The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back” - Third Place Award presented to:
Mary Beth Heicher
for her work, “Sun Bleached Bones,” in sterling silver and bone
College of Health and Human Services
- Best Poster Award in the College of Health and Human Services presented to:
Katlyn M. Cekovsky, Jacqueline A. Clark, Ashley M. Bowser, and Lura I. Repa
for their poster on “Palliative Care for Children and Their Families” - Outstanding Presentation Award presented to:
Amber C. Fishel
for her presentation on “The Neuroscience Debate: Does Education Impact How Students Feel About Juveniles Serving Life in Prison”
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Best Poster Award in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences presented to:
Victor R. Velez and Rebecca West
for their poster on “Project-Scoping in Powdermill Nature Reserve Using GIS” - Outstanding Presentation Award presented to:
Jennifer M. Johnson
for her presentation on “The Effect of Immigration on State Wages” - Outstanding Presentation Award presented to:
Paige A. Peterson
for her presentation on “Perspectives on the Puritan and Revolutionary Period” - Outstanding Presentation Award presented to:
Matthew W. Finley
for his presentation on “Hazing and Warrior Societies: Personal Experiences of U.S. Army Hazing”
Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
(tie for Best Poster)
- Best Poster Award in the Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics presented to:
Charles Voyton and Alan Kessler
for their poster on “Detection of Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) Using One Step Reverse Transcription” - Best Poster Award in the Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics presented to:
John K. Kamau
for his poster on “Persea Americana as a Source of Biofuel”
Sigma Xi Awards
- First Place Award presented to:
Daniel J. O'Hara
For his poster on “Slip Partitioning Offshore Southeast Taiwan and Southward Propagation of the Longitudinal Valley Fault: Evidence from Strain Inversions and Statistical Analyses” - Second Place Award presented to:
Rebecca Beadling
For her poster on “A Study on the Effects of Copper as a Stressor on the Life History and Physiological Characteristics of Multiple Generations of Zebra Fish, Danio rerio” - Third Place Award presented to:
Renee Heldman
For her poster on “Comparing Lake and Soil Geochemistry to Understand Limitations on Biology in Anartica”
Department of Mathematics, Scholarships-Creating Opportunities for Applying Mathematics
- S-COAM Best Computational Science Poster presented to:
David B. Williams-Young
For his poster on “Predicting Relative Activities of Enzymes Using Computed Chemical Properties”
University Libraries Best Bibliography Awards
- First Place Award presented to:
Teresa Stage
for the bibliography for her presentation, “Walking for Britain: The Ramblers' Association and the Creation of Britain's National Parks” - Second Place Award presented to:
Kristin Long and Lauren Meuschke
for the bibliography for their poster, “Classroom Management Strategies: Planned Ignoring & ‘Catching Them Being Good'”
ECO Undergraduate Research Award for Innovation in Sustainability
- Presented to:
Heather E. McGinnis
for her poster on the “Analysis of Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) Impacts on Bear Run, Indiana County, PA, During Times of Abnormally High Precipitation in 2011”
College of Education and Educational Technology
- First Place: Jennifer Forrest (advisor Dr. Mary Beth Leidman)
“Changes in Communication Technology Usage among College Freshmen” - Second Place: Jason A. Smith (advisor Dr. Crystal Machado)
“Examining Educational Expenditures: A Modern Morality Play” - Third Place: Peizhen Wang (advisor Dr. George Beiger)
“Impact of Father Absence during Childhood/Adolescence on Girls' Development”
College of Fine Arts
- First Place: Brad Triana
“Don't Tread on Me” - Second Place: Danna Rzecznik
“B” - Third Place: YJ Shin
“The Unknown Craftsman and PSJ”
College of Health and Human Services
- First Place: Meigan Robb (advisor Dr. Teresa Shellenbarger)
“Millennial Learners and Educational Engagement: An Integrative Review” - Second Place (tie): Tara Bart (advisor Dr. Nashat Zuraikat)
“Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass versus Laproscopic Gastric Banding” - Second Place (tie): Jessica Granata (advisor Dr. Nashat Zuraikat)
“Pressure-relieving Beds and Mattresses for Pressure Ulcer Prevention Guidelines”
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- First Place: Ryan Spittler, Ryan Clark, Michael Whitehead, and Justin Daley (advisor Dr. Beverly Chiarulli)
“Geophysical Survey Results at Old Smicksburg Park, Indiana County, Pennsylvania” - Second Place: Lilian Mina (advisor Dr. Claude Hurlbert)
“Pedagogy of Sustainability in the Technical Writing Class” - Third Place: Meghan Pace (advisor Dr. Beverly Chiarulli)
“How Many Graves are in Memorial Park? Using Geophysical and Historic Data to Search for 'Lost' Graves”
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- First Place: Rebekah Keating (advisor Dr. Tim Nuttle)
“Distribution of Phytophagus Larvae in Mid-successional Allegheny Hardwoods: Impacts of Bird Exclusion” - Second Place: Emily Bellush (advisors Dr. Jeffery Larkin and Dr. Joseph Duchamp)
“Foraging Ecology of the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera): Does Plant Species Composition Matter?” - Third Place: Laura D'Acunto (advisor Dr. Joseph Duchamp)
“Shifts in Pennsylvania Summer Bat Communities due to White-nose Syndrome”
ECO Award for Innovation in Sustainability
- Rebekah Keating (advisor Dr. Tim Nuttle)
“Distribution of Phytophagus Larvae in Mid-successional Allegheny Hardwoods: Impacts of Bird Exclusion”