Spring 2023, Winter 2022, and Fall 2022

(14 Sessions in 2022–23 Academic Year)

Spring 2023

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on . 

CRN Subject Course Session Title Faculty
21173 WGS 200 001 Intro to Women's and Gender Studies Susan Comfort
21116 ENGL 350 001 Gender and Sexual Orientation in Literature, Film and Theory Lingyan Yang
21165 LGBT 200 001 Intro to LGBTQ Studies Abigail Adams
20456 SOC 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality Susan Boser
22039 SOC 251 801 (DE) Sociology of Human Sexuality Susan Boser
20466 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender Diane Shinberg
20467 SOC 363 801 (DE) Sociology of Gender Diane Shinberg

Note: If you are interested in declaring a Women’s and Gender Studies minor, please feel free to fill out an iform on MyÄ¢¹½tv. Then you are welcome to email Lingyan Yang, director of the Women's and Gender Studies Program, at lingyan@iup.edu to schedule an advising meeting. 

Winter 2022

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on . 

CRN   Subject Course # Session # Title Faculty
40065 ENGL 225 801 (DE) Intro to Literature by Women            Chauna Craig    

Fall 2022

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on . 

CRN Subject Course # Session # Title Faculty
11307 WGS 200 001 Intro to Women's and Gender Studies   Carrie Cole           
10688 COMM 325 801 (DE) Gender in Media Nurhaya Muchtar
11220 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime Alida Merlo
11222 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime Alida Merlo
10464 ENGL 225 801 (DE) Intro to Literature by Women Tanya Heflin
11694 PLSC 404/504 001 Women and Politics Sarah Wheeler

Fall 2021

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
10027 COMM 325 001 Gender in Media Nurhaya Muchtar
10028 COMM 325 801 Gender in Media Nurhaya Muchtar
11177 CRIM 450 001 Women in Crime Jennifer Gossett
10462 HIST 106 001 Samurai and Gonghun Heroes Alan Baumler
12040 PSYC 379 001 Psychology of Human Sexuality Maureen McHugh
10988 RLST 245 001 Women and Religion Alison Downie
10494 WGS 200 001 Intro Women's and Gender Studies Lynn Botelho

Spring 2021

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
21456 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime TBD
21457 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime TBD
20752 EN001 350 001 Gender and Sexual Orientation Michael Sell
20727 PLSC 404 001 Women and Politics Sarah Wheeler
21527 PSYC 411 001 Psychology of Women Laurie Roehrich
22302 SOC 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality Melanie Duncan
22645 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender Diane Shinberg
22646 SOC 363 002 Sociology of Gender Diane Shinberg

Fall 2020

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
10996 History 196 003 Explorations in US History Jeanine Mazak Kahne
10997 History 196 004 Explorations in US History Jeanine Mazak Kahne
10023 Communications Media 325 001 Women in Media Nurhaya Muchtar
10024 Communications Media 325 801 Women in Media Nurhaya Muchtar
10240 Criminology 450 001 Women and Crime Jennifer Gossett
10239 Criminology 450 002 Women and Crime Jennifer Gossett
10932 Economics 330 801 Labor Economics Brandon Vick
10492 Psychology 411 W01 Psychology of Women Laurie Roehrich
10493 Psychology 411 W02 Psychology of Women Laurie Roehrich
12628 Sociology 336 801 Sociology of the Family Melissa Swauger
12656 Sociology 427 002 Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence Dana Witham
12329 Women's and Gender Studies 200 001 Intro Women's and Gender Studies Lingyan Yang
12968 Women's and Gender Studies 200 002 Intro Women's and Gender Studies Lynn Botelho

Summer 2020

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
30192 Criminology 450 801 Women and Crime Sadie Miller
30346 Economics 330 801 Labor Economics Bandon Vick
30453 Sociology 251 801 Sociology of Human Sexuality Susan Boser
30458 Sociology 363 801 Sociology of Gender Michelle Sandhoff

Spring 2020

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
21741 Anthropology 350 001 Anthropology of Gender A. Adams
21515 Criminology 450 801 Women and Crime TBA
21507 History 495 W01 Women in World War II E. Marcus
21410 Political Science 404 001 Women and Politics S. Wheeler
20333 Psychology 380 001 Gender and Violence Psychology M. McHugh
20336 Psychology 411 W01 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
20338 Psychology 411 W02 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
21684 Sociology 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Sandhoff
21979 Sociology 251 002 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Sandhoff
21693 Sociology 336 002 Sociology of the Family M. Swauger
21696 Sociology 363 801 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff
21484 Women's and Gender Studies 200 001 Intro Women's and Gender Studies L. Botelho
22921 Women's and Gender Studies 200 002 Intro Women's and Gender Studies M. Swauger
21875 Women's and Gender Studies 400 001 Feminist Theories M. MacLeod

Fall 2019

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
10018 Communications Media 325 001 Women in Media N. Muchtar
10019 Communications Media 325 801 Women in Media N. Muchtar
10401 Criminology 450 001 Women and Crime TBA
10402 Criminology 450 002 Women and Crime S. Mummert
12246 Dance 281 001 Woman and Dance: Strip the Veils J. Van Dyke
11926 English 350 001 Gender and Sexual Orientation in Lit. T. Slater
11832 History 369 001 Women in America J. Mannard
11872 Journalism 250 001 Women and the Press S. Mukasa
10257 Psychology 379 001 Psychology of Human Sexuality M. McHugh
10259 Psychology 411 W01 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
10260 Psychology 411 W02 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
11506 Religious Studies 345 W01 Women in the Bible A. Downie
11702 Sociology 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Duncan
11705 Sociology 251 002 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Duncan
11746 Sociology 363 001 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff
11747 Sociology 363 002 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff
11886 Women's and Gender Studies 200 001 Intro to Women's and Gender Studies T. Heflin
11982 Women's and Gender Studies 200 002 Intro to Women's and Gender Studies L. Roerich


Summer 2019

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
30191 CRIM 450 801 Women and Crime C. Finch
30410 SOC 251 801 Sociology of Human Sexuality S. Boser
30414 SOC 363 801 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff


Spring 2019

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
21147 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime C. Fitch
21148 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime C. Fitch
22224 ENGL 336 W01 Language, Gender, and Society L. Black
20813 PSYC 411 W01 Psychology of Women L. Roehrich
20815 PSYC 411 W02 Psychology of Women L. Roehrich
22457 SOC 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Duncan
22462 SOC 251 002 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Duncan
22668 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender M. Swauger
22669 SOC 363 002 Sociology of Gender M. Swauger
22676 SOC 410 001 Men and Masculinities H. Molina
22677 SOC 410 002 Men and Masculinities H. Molina
22678 SOC 427 001 Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence D. Hysock-Witham
22112 WGS 200 001 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies L. Botelho
22115 WGS 200 002 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies L. Botelho


Winter 2018

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
40033 CRIM 450 801 Women and Crime J. Gossett


Fall 2018

Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
10028 COMM 325 001 Women and Media N. Muchtar
10027 COMM 325 801 Women and Media N. Muchtar
10681 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime C. Fitch
10682 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime C. Fitch
12488 ENGL 350 001 Gender and Sexual Orientation in Literature, Theory, and Film T. Slater
10455 PSYC 380 001 Gender and Violence M. McHugh
10457 PSYC 411 W01 Psychology of Women L. Roehrich
10458 PSYC 411 W02 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
10459 PSYC 411 W03 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
12679 WGS 200 001 Intro to Women's and Gender Studies M. Duncan
13219 WGS 200 002 Intro to Women's and Gender Studies L. Botelho