Spring 2023, Winter 2022, and Fall 2022
(14 Sessions in 2022–23 Academic Year)
Spring 2023
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Session | Title | Faculty |
21173 | WGS | 200 | 001 | Intro to Women's and Gender Studies | Susan Comfort |
21116 | ENGL | 350 | 001 | Gender and Sexual Orientation in Literature, Film and Theory | Lingyan Yang |
21165 | LGBT | 200 | 001 | Intro to LGBTQ Studies | Abigail Adams |
20456 | SOC | 251 | 001 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | Susan Boser |
22039 | SOC | 251 | 801 (DE) | Sociology of Human Sexuality | Susan Boser |
20466 | SOC | 363 | 001 | Sociology of Gender | Diane Shinberg |
20467 | SOC | 363 | 801 (DE) | Sociology of Gender | Diane Shinberg |
Note: If you are interested in declaring a Women’s and Gender Studies minor, please feel free to fill out an iform on MyÄ¢¹½tv. Then you are welcome to email Lingyan Yang, director of the Women's and Gender Studies Program, at lingyan@iup.edu to schedule an advising meeting.
Winter 2022
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course # | Session # | Title | Faculty |
40065 | ENGL | 225 | 801 (DE) | Intro to Literature by Women | Chauna Craig |
Fall 2022
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course # | Session # | Title | Faculty |
11307 | WGS | 200 | 001 | Intro to Women's and Gender Studies | Carrie Cole |
10688 | COMM | 325 | 801 (DE) | Gender in Media | Nurhaya Muchtar |
11220 | CRIM | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | Alida Merlo |
11222 | CRIM | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | Alida Merlo |
10464 | ENGL | 225 | 801 (DE) | Intro to Literature by Women | Tanya Heflin |
11694 | PLSC | 404/504 | 001 | Women and Politics | Sarah Wheeler |
Fall 2021
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
10027 | COMM | 325 | 001 | Gender in Media | Nurhaya Muchtar |
10028 | COMM | 325 | 801 | Gender in Media | Nurhaya Muchtar |
11177 | CRIM | 450 | 001 | Women in Crime | Jennifer Gossett |
10462 | HIST | 106 | 001 | Samurai and Gonghun Heroes | Alan Baumler |
12040 | PSYC | 379 | 001 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | Maureen McHugh |
10988 | RLST | 245 | 001 | Women and Religion | Alison Downie |
10494 | WGS | 200 | 001 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | Lynn Botelho |
Spring 2021
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
21456 | CRIM | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | TBD |
21457 | CRIM | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | TBD |
20752 | EN001 | 350 | 001 | Gender and Sexual Orientation | Michael Sell |
20727 | PLSC | 404 | 001 | Women and Politics | Sarah Wheeler |
21527 | PSYC | 411 | 001 | Psychology of Women | Laurie Roehrich |
22302 | SOC | 251 | 001 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | Melanie Duncan |
22645 | SOC | 363 | 001 | Sociology of Gender | Diane Shinberg |
22646 | SOC | 363 | 002 | Sociology of Gender | Diane Shinberg |
Fall 2020
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
10996 | History | 196 | 003 | Explorations in US History | Jeanine Mazak Kahne |
10997 | History | 196 | 004 | Explorations in US History | Jeanine Mazak Kahne |
10023 | Communications Media | 325 | 001 | Women in Media | Nurhaya Muchtar |
10024 | Communications Media | 325 | 801 | Women in Media | Nurhaya Muchtar |
10240 | Criminology | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | Jennifer Gossett |
10239 | Criminology | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | Jennifer Gossett |
10932 | Economics | 330 | 801 | Labor Economics | Brandon Vick |
10492 | Psychology | 411 | W01 | Psychology of Women | Laurie Roehrich |
10493 | Psychology | 411 | W02 | Psychology of Women | Laurie Roehrich |
12628 | Sociology | 336 | 801 | Sociology of the Family | Melissa Swauger |
12656 | Sociology | 427 | 002 | Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence | Dana Witham |
12329 | Women's and Gender Studies | 200 | 001 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | Lingyan Yang |
12968 | Women's and Gender Studies | 200 | 002 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | Lynn Botelho |
Summer 2020
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
30192 | Criminology | 450 | 801 | Women and Crime | Sadie Miller |
30346 | Economics | 330 | 801 | Labor Economics | Bandon Vick |
30453 | Sociology | 251 | 801 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | Susan Boser |
30458 | Sociology | 363 | 801 | Sociology of Gender | Michelle Sandhoff |
Spring 2020
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
21741 | Anthropology | 350 | 001 | Anthropology of Gender | A. Adams |
21515 | Criminology | 450 | 801 | Women and Crime | TBA |
21507 | History | 495 | W01 | Women in World War II | E. Marcus |
21410 | Political Science | 404 | 001 | Women and Politics | S. Wheeler |
20333 | Psychology | 380 | 001 | Gender and Violence Psychology | M. McHugh |
20336 | Psychology | 411 | W01 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh |
20338 | Psychology | 411 | W02 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh |
21684 | Sociology | 251 | 001 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | M. Sandhoff |
21979 | Sociology | 251 | 002 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | M. Sandhoff |
21693 | Sociology | 336 | 002 | Sociology of the Family | M. Swauger |
21696 | Sociology | 363 | 801 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
21484 | Women's and Gender Studies | 200 | 001 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | L. Botelho |
22921 | Women's and Gender Studies | 200 | 002 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | M. Swauger |
21875 | Women's and Gender Studies | 400 | 001 | Feminist Theories | M. MacLeod |
Fall 2019
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
10018 | Communications Media | 325 | 001 | Women in Media | N. Muchtar |
10019 | Communications Media | 325 | 801 | Women in Media | N. Muchtar |
10401 | Criminology | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | TBA |
10402 | Criminology | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | S. Mummert |
12246 | Dance | 281 | 001 | Woman and Dance: Strip the Veils | J. Van Dyke |
11926 | English | 350 | 001 | Gender and Sexual Orientation in Lit. | T. Slater |
11832 | History | 369 | 001 | Women in America | J. Mannard |
11872 | Journalism | 250 | 001 | Women and the Press | S. Mukasa |
10257 | Psychology | 379 | 001 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | M. McHugh |
10259 | Psychology | 411 | W01 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh |
10260 | Psychology | 411 | W02 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh |
11506 | Religious Studies | 345 | W01 | Women in the Bible | A. Downie |
11702 | Sociology | 251 | 001 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | M. Duncan |
11705 | Sociology | 251 | 002 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | M. Duncan |
11746 | Sociology | 363 | 001 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
11747 | Sociology | 363 | 002 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
11886 | Women's and Gender Studies | 200 | 001 | Intro to Women's and Gender Studies | T. Heflin |
11982 | Women's and Gender Studies | 200 | 002 | Intro to Women's and Gender Studies | L. Roerich |
Summer 2019
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
30191 | CRIM | 450 | 801 | Women and Crime | C. Finch |
30410 | SOC | 251 | 801 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | S. Boser |
30414 | SOC | 363 | 801 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
Spring 2019
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
21147 | CRIM | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | C. Fitch |
21148 | CRIM | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | C. Fitch |
22224 | ENGL | 336 | W01 | Language, Gender, and Society | L. Black |
20813 | PSYC | 411 | W01 | Psychology of Women | L. Roehrich |
20815 | PSYC | 411 | W02 | Psychology of Women | L. Roehrich |
22457 | SOC | 251 | 001 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | M. Duncan |
22462 | SOC | 251 | 002 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | M. Duncan |
22668 | SOC | 363 | 001 | Sociology of Gender | M. Swauger |
22669 | SOC | 363 | 002 | Sociology of Gender | M. Swauger |
22676 | SOC | 410 | 001 | Men and Masculinities | H. Molina |
22677 | SOC | 410 | 002 | Men and Masculinities | H. Molina |
22678 | SOC | 427 | 001 | Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence | D. Hysock-Witham |
22112 | WGS | 200 | 001 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | L. Botelho |
22115 | WGS | 200 | 002 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | L. Botelho |
Winter 2018
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
40033 | CRIM | 450 | 801 | Women and Crime | J. Gossett |
Fall 2018
Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on .
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor | |
10028 | COMM | 325 | 001 | Women and Media | N. Muchtar | |
10027 | COMM | 325 | 801 | Women and Media | N. Muchtar | |
10681 | CRIM | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | C. Fitch | |
10682 | CRIM | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | C. Fitch | |
12488 | ENGL | 350 | 001 | Gender and Sexual Orientation in Literature, Theory, and Film | T. Slater | |
10455 | PSYC | 380 | 001 | Gender and Violence | M. McHugh | |
10457 | PSYC | 411 | W01 | Psychology of Women | L. Roehrich | |
10458 | PSYC | 411 | W02 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh | |
10459 | PSYC | 411 | W03 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh | |
12679 | WGS | 200 | 001 | Intro to Women's and Gender Studies | M. Duncan | |
13219 | WGS | 200 | 002 | Intro to Women's and Gender Studies | L. Botelho |