Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on MyÄ¢¹½tv.

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
11345 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime B. Kim
11346 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime B. Kim
11347 CRIM 450 003 Women and Crime A. Merlo
11348 CRIM 450 004 Women and Crime A. Merlo
11349 CRIM 450 005 Women and Crime G. Wasileski
13117 ENGL 336 001 Language, Gender & Society R. Bizzaro
13948 PHIL 232 W01 Philosophies of Love, Marriage & Divorce C. Caraway
11335 PSYC 379 001 Psychology of Human Sexuality M. McHugh
11337 PSYC 411 W01 Psychology of Women L. Roehrich
11340 PSYC 411 W02 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
11344 PSYC 411 W03 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
13395 SOC 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality R. Heasley
13396 SOC 251 002 Sociology of Human Sexuality R. Heasley
13408 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender M. Sandoff
13409 SOC 363 002 Sociology of Gender M. Sandoff
13410 SOC 363 003 Sociology of Gender M. Sandoff
13423 SOC 427 001 Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence D. Witham
13425 SOC 427 002 Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence D. Witham

11417 WMST 200 001 Intro to Women's Studies C. Craig
11418 WMST 200 002 Intro to Women's Studies C. Craig
* HPED 143 Contemporary Women's Wellness- This course fulfills the Dimensions of Wellness category for Liberal Studies, but does not count as a Women's Studies minor elective. However, Women's Studies recommends it to our students