Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on MyÄ¢¹½tv.

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
22150 WMST 200 001 Intro to Women's Studies Elizabeth Ricketts
22299 WMST 200 002 Intro to Women's Studies Alexis Lothian
21369 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime

Alida Merlo

21370 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime Alida Merlo
21371 CRIM 450 003 Women and Crime Bitna Kim
21372 CRIM 450 004 Women and Crime Bitna Kim
21543 ENGL 225 001 Into to Literature by Women Alexis Lothian
20646 PSYC 411 W01 Psychology of Women Maureen McHugh
20647 PSYC 411 W02 Psychology of Women Maureen McHugh
22197 RLST 245 001 Women and Religion Theresa Smith
23112 SOC 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality Michelle Sandhoff
23113 SOC 251 002 Sociology of Human Sexuality Michelle Sandhoff
23146 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender Melissa Swauger
23148 SOC 363 002 Sociology of Gender Melissa Swauger
SOC 363 003 Sociology of Gender Melissa Swauger

* HPED 143 Contemporary Women's Wellness- This course fulfills the Dimensions of Wellness category for Liberal Studies, but does not count as a Women's Studies minor elective. However, Women's Studies recommends it to our students