Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on MyÄ¢¹½tv.

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
21996 ANTH 350 001 Anthropology of Gender L. Labotka
20100 COMM 325 801 Women in Media N. Muchtar
21130 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime S. Mummert
21132 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime S. Mummert
21344 PLSC 404 001 Women & Politics S. Wheeler
20416 PSYC 411 W01 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
20417 PSYC 411 W02 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
22804 SOC 251 001 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Sandhoff
22805 SOC 251 002 Sociology of Human Sexuality M. Sandhoff
22815 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender M. Duncan
22816 SOC 363 003 Sociology of Gender M. Duncan
21786 WMST 200 001 Intro to Women's & Gender Studies M. Holm
21787 WMST 200 002 Intro to Women's & Gender Studies J. Villa
21788 WMST 400 001 Feminist Theories M. MacLeod