Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on MyÄ¢¹½tv.

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
10383 COMM 325 001 Women in Media N. Muchtar
11026 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime B. Kim
11027 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime B. Kim
11188 PLSC 404 001 Women and Politics S. Wheeler
10759 PSYC 379 001 Psychology of Human Sexuality M. McHugh
10766 PSYC 411 W02 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
10767 PSYC 411 W03 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
12507 RLST 245 001 Women and Religion T. Smith
10223 WGS 200 001 Intro to Women's & Gender Studies G. Park
13493 WGS 200 002 Intro to Women's & Gender Studies A. Wilson