Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on MyÄ¢¹½tv.

CRN Subject Course Section Title Instructor
10101 COMM 325 001 Women in Media N. Muchtar
11376 COMM 325 801 Women in Media N. Muchtar
12354 CRIM 450 001 Women and Crime C. Fitch
12354 CRIM 450 002 Women and Crime C. Fitch
11706 DANC 281 001 Women and Dance: Stripping the Veils
J. Van Dyke
11399 JRNL 250 001 Women and the Press S. Mukasa
10419 PSYC 411 W01 Psychology of Women L. Roehrich
10420 PYSC 411 W02 Psychology of Women L. Roehrich
10421 PYSC 411 W03 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
10422 PYSC 411 W04 Psychology of Women M. McHugh
12295 RLST 485 001 Feminist Study of Religion
C. Chandler
13414 SOC 281 001 Girlhood Studies
M. Swauger
12813 SOC 363 001 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff
12816 SOC 363 002 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff
12820 SOC 363 003 Sociology of Gender M. Sandhoff
12831 SOC 427 001 Soc Persp on Partner Violence D. Witham
12832 SOC 427 002 Soc Persp on Partner Violence D. Witham
13351 WGS 200 001 Intro Women's and Gender Studies O. Gatta
13352 WGS 200 002 Intro Women's and Gender Studies C. Cole
13415 WGS 281 001 Girlhood Studies M. Swauger