Note: This course listing is for reference only. For updates and additional information, please refer to the schedule of classes listed on MyÄ¢¹½tv.
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Instructor |
10101 | COMM | 325 | 001 | Women in Media | N. Muchtar |
11376 | COMM | 325 | 801 | Women in Media | N. Muchtar |
12354 | CRIM | 450 | 001 | Women and Crime | C. Fitch |
12354 | CRIM | 450 | 002 | Women and Crime | C. Fitch |
11706 | DANC | 281 | 001 | Women and Dance: Stripping the Veils |
J. Van Dyke |
11399 | JRNL | 250 | 001 | Women and the Press | S. Mukasa |
10419 | PSYC | 411 | W01 | Psychology of Women | L. Roehrich |
10420 | PYSC | 411 | W02 | Psychology of Women | L. Roehrich |
10421 | PYSC | 411 | W03 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh |
10422 | PYSC | 411 | W04 | Psychology of Women | M. McHugh |
12295 | RLST | 485 | 001 | Feminist Study of Religion |
C. Chandler |
13414 | SOC | 281 | 001 | Girlhood Studies |
M. Swauger |
12813 | SOC | 363 | 001 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
12816 | SOC | 363 | 002 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
12820 | SOC | 363 | 003 | Sociology of Gender | M. Sandhoff |
12831 | SOC | 427 | 001 | Soc Persp on Partner Violence | D. Witham |
12832 | SOC | 427 | 002 | Soc Persp on Partner Violence | D. Witham |
13351 | WGS | 200 | 001 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | O. Gatta |
13352 | WGS | 200 | 002 | Intro Women's and Gender Studies | C. Cole |
13415 | WGS | 281 | 001 | Girlhood Studies | M. Swauger |